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Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO Tools in 2024

In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 artificial intelligence (AI) SEO tools in 2024. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO Tools in 2024.

The Role of AI in SEO

On January 31, Semrush conducted a study across 2,600 businesses from across the globe. The study revealed that 67% of businesses were using artificial intelligence for content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Of them, 78% were satisfied with their marketing performance. The research suggested that 65% of businesses generated better results from AI-driven SEO, 68% of businesses garnered a better content marketing return on investment (ROI) using artificial intelligence, and 93% of marketers review content generated by artificial intelligence before it goes live. The study also suggested that businesses were highly focused on experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT) to generate high-quality organic content. You can also read our piece on the biggest generative AI companies in the world.

MarketMuse & Alli AI: AI-Driven SEO Tools

According to Semrush, 37% of companies are not investing in AI-driven SEO due to their lack of knowledge. To counter such, companies can immensely benefit from employing AI-driven SEO tools. Alli AI is an SEO tool backed by artificial intelligence. Alli AI is used by more than 20,000 companies from across the globe. The tool is employed on more than 13,000 sites and over 4 million pages. Ever since its inception in 2017, the company has facilitated more than 88 million optimizations. Alli AI is a fully automated client content management platform. It provides bulk on-page optimization, live editing, real-time deployment, and self-optimization to enhance traffic ROI. Alli AI builds the best Scheme Markup for all the webpages of a business and implements them immediately. It also identifies keywords and creates links to relevant pages for a company’s website.

MarketMuse is a content planning and optimization software backed by artificial intelligence. The tool conducts a thorough analysis of a company’s website and provides data-driven recommendations and insights to improve website performance. The tool automates content, conducts audits, creates objective content, and generates content that matters. It engages in content planning, cluster creation and analysis, competitive content analysis, keyword research, content optimization, and content briefing. It also identifies keywords most likely to be ranked in clusters. The tool then includes those keywords to enhance domain authority. It also conducts deep search engine results page (SERP) analysis to identify the right keywords and optimal content structure. In April 2023, the company integrated its platform with ChatGPT to boost content development. The Free plan starts with a seven-day free trial. It provides limited page insights and can only be used by one user. The free plan permits 10 queries per month. The Standard plan is priced at $149 per month. It provides full-page insights, permits 100 queries per month, and can be used by one member only. The Team plan, priced at $399 allows 3 people from a team to use the platform. It also permits unlimited queries.

Semrush Vs Ahrefs: A Comparative Analysis

Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) and Ahrefs offer a range of AI tools as part of their suite of products. Let’s take a look at their offerings. You can also take a look at the best marketing tools for corporations in 2024.

Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) is a SaaS platform that provides site audits, insights, competitive analysis, and backlink tracking. The company’s AI writing assistant helps companies generate SEO-optimized content and ideas within minutes. The Writing Assistant is priced at $25 per month and comes with a seven-day free trial. The package allows companies to access more than 75 types of content in over 25 languages. The Semrush Copilot, launched on March 19, provides AI-driven SEO alterations and recommendations. The tool provides insights and recommended steps to improve ranking in real-time and also checks for technical issues, broken pages, competitors, keyword opportunities, and link-building ideas. The ContentShake AI is a new tool recently introduced by Semrush Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:SEMR) that integrates Semrush’s competitive data to enhance search engine rankings. The tool finds relevant keywords for search engine results, analyzes the top-ranked articles and web pages, creates up-to-date content, and improves content structure.

Ahrefs is a search engine optimization (SEO) platform. The company offers a range of features including the site explorer, site auditor, keywords explorer, content explorer, and rank tracker. The company also offers free AI writing tools. These tools generate paragraphs, summarize existing content, create outlines, reword sentences, develop conclusions, and paraphrase content. The company announced a variety of updates to its platform on February 7, which included new AI features that automatically identify and filter out the best links to the company’s content. The “Search Intent” tool, backed by artificial intelligence, analyzes and understands the intent behind the use of every prominent keyword. This helps companies draw context behind search results and improve site performance based on the analysis. You can also take a look at the best Ahrefs alternatives in 2024.

Now that we have discussed the role of artificial intelligence and SEO, let’s take a look at the top 10 artificial intelligence (AI) SEO tools in 2024.

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Our Methodology

We employed a consensus methodology and consulted over 10 rankings online to aggregate the top 10 artificial intelligence (AI) SEO tools in 2024. Next, we sourced the number of reviews and customer ratings for each alternative from G2, Capterra, Gartner, and Featured Customers. We chose the aggregate number of reviews for each tool across our sources as our primary metric and the average ratings as our secondary metric. We only selected options with at least 500 total reviews and an average rating of 4.0 or above across our sources. The list is ranked in ascending order based on the total number of reviews, primarily, and the average rating, secondarily.

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO Tools in 2024

10. Outranking

Number of Reviews: 616

Average Rating: 4.48

Outranking is one of the best AI SEO tools. The platform allows companies to create on-brand personalized content to rank higher on search engines. The AI tool analyzes the performance and SEO of ranked pages and provides recommendations based on the data. It can also create outlines, titles, and descriptions of articles. It is also able to find and add internal links and holds the ability to remove plagiarism. The Starter plan is priced at $29 per month. It creates 5 SEO documents and provides AI-backed optimization, content briefs, AI first drafts, and integrations.

9. Alli AI

Number of Reviews: 861

Average Rating: 4.30

Alli AI ranks ninth on our list of the top AI SEO tools in 2024. The automated SEO AI enables companies to optimize and automate the software across any content management system. The tool is used by more than 20,000 companies. The tool provides bulk on-page optimization, live editing, real-time deployment, self-optimization, scheme markup, and interlinking. The Business plan is priced at $299 per month and is targeted towards consultants, startups, and small businesses. The plan allows companies to manage 5 sites, onboard 5 team members, get 500 keywords, and 1,250 web pages.

8. Surfer SEO

Number of Reviews: 1,009

Average Rating: 4.70

Surfer SEO is an SEO platform that uses artificial intelligence to help companies research, audit, write, optimize, and generate SEO-optimized articles. Surfer offers an AI article outline generator that allows companies to draft content on given keywords. Surfer AI creates articles in less than 20 minutes. These articles ensure that company webpages rank higher on search engines. The Essential plan is priced at $89 per month. Under the plan, companies can edit 30 articles per month and conduct 100 searches per day. However, to benefit from the AI tools, companies must acquire the Scale AI plan for $219 per month.

7. Scalenut

Number of Reviews: 1,054

Average Rating: 4.63

Scalenut is one of the best AI SEO tool. The AI-powered SEO platform is home to more than 1 million users and has created over 5 million SEO blogs. The platform uses artificial intelligence to help companies write and score content. The tool creates a comprehensive keyword plan for businesses that provide blog ideas, domain insights, and SERP-based topic clusters. The AI copywriter generates SEO-optimized content for companies within minutes. The Essential Plan is priced at $19 per month. It creates 5 SEO articles per month, generates AI images, creates factual content, conducts a SERP analysis, and edits SEO content.


Number of Reviews: 1,116

Average Rating: 4.70 ranks sixth on our list of the top artificial intelligence SEO tools in 2024. is an SEO content optimizer that offers writing tools backed by artificial intelligence. It offers an AI content generator, an introduction generator, an outline generator, a paraphrasing tool, a paragraph rewriter, a blog title generator, and a description generator. The Solo plan is priced at $15 per month. The Solo plan is available for one user and permits 10 search queries per month. The plan also includes SEO Workflow tools, Plugins, and AI SEO tools.

Click to continue reading and see the Top 5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO Tools in 2024.

Suggested Articles:

Disclaimer: None. Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) SEO Tools in 2024 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

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