Tilray Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:TLRY) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Irwin Simon: Listen, I come back and say this here, I’m proud of a lot of the things that happened at Tilray. I would like to see our stock at a different place. The markets have been tough markets in 2022. The whole cannabis industry is down over 50-plus percent. And I think there were a lot of expectations out there upon legalization. We just got to do better than that, and that’s why we have to diversify and not sit here and wait for the politicians to make decisions on legalization. And when legalization does happen, we’ll be ready to pounce upon every one of those opportunities with cannabis, whether it’s beer, whether it’s spirits, whether it’s food or other products. But one thing I can tell you is this company in the cannabis industry whether it’s in R&D, whether it’s new quality, whether it’s in grow, whether it’s in brandy, we’re well into it, and we’ll be ready for it upon legalization.

Berrin Noorata: Thank you. And that concludes our question.

Irwin Simon: Thank you, everybody. And as you can see, there’s a lot going on. And as you’ve talked — as I’ve talked about, we have an excellent team in place to help execute upon this, A lot going on in Canada, a lot going on in Europe. You heard from Blair, you heard from Denise, you heard from Ty, Brian Nolte runs our Beverage business; Jared Simon, who runs our Wellness business. We have excellent teams in our financial area, our operational area, our IT area, our legal areas. So, there’s an incredible team in place that works alongside of me here at Tilray today. And that’s what’s key. We have a strategy in place ultimately, it’s shifting because as we sit and expect legalization then how do we shift to that, and we’re shifting upon that.

We focus on our balance sheet. We focus on cash. We focus on how to take cost out. We focus on top line growth. There’s a lot of hurdles that get in our way and how do we overcome them and ultimately what can we do. We have in Canada 10 different customers. And that said, we can’t go to Walmart, Target, Loblaws and Sophie’s and go sell our products. There’s limitations that we can sell our products in Canada. There’s no limitations where we can sell our beer products or our spirits products in that in the U.S. or a wellness food. There’s limitations where we can sell our European products to the doctors in the scripts. But with our CC Pharma business, there’s no limitation that we can sell into the 13,000 drug stores. So, we want the world to be a oyster to sell products.

We want to sell brands. We want to sell consumer brands. We want to sell products that contribute margins and contribute free cash flow to the Tilray brands business. We’re looking at multiple opportunities, and we’ll continue to do that. We’re looking at multiple acquisitions that we’ll continue to do that. But before I conclude, I’d like to mention that Tilray brands has had to adjourn its Annual Meeting of Shareholders to January 18 because we do not yet have sufficient participation from our stockholders. I’d like to urge all Tilray brands stockholders of record as of September 26, 2022, and have not yet voted to vote today. The charter amendment is intended to simplify Tilray’s capital structure and ensure that all stockholders of common shares have equal voting rights or one vote per share.

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