Three Reasons to Sell Google Inc (GOOG)

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More or less, that’s what co-founders Sergey Brin and now CEO Larry Page did a few years back, when the company announced two different classes of shares — A and C. The A-class shares would have voting rights, while C-class shares would not.

Many Fools have criticized the plan as being very unfriendly to shareholders. At heart is the fact that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) continues to grant stock to employees, and as more and more stock is issued, Brin and Page have less and less control over the company. Currently, the two have 56.1% of Google stock voting power. By issuing C-class shares as compensation, Brin and Page are able to retain voting control of the company.

What’s a Fool to do?
To be honest, I’m really not worried about any of these risks. Short-term, advertisements could dip, but long-term, I think Google has invested in the infrastructure to make sure it maintains its leading position in the field. And when it comes to the share structure, its actually a move I’m fully behind, as I think of Page and Brin as benevolent dictators I am more than willing to cede control of the company to.

The risk I think is most important to be aware of — and most difficult to clearly understand — is that of privacy. That being said, I have absolutely no intention of selling any of my Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) stock.

The article 3 Reasons to Sell Google Stock originally appeared on

Fool contributor Brian Stoffel owns shares of Google and Baidu. The Motley Fool recommends and owns shares of Baidu, Facebook, and Google.

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