Solar booming in the U.S.
If you’re a solar investor, or even just a solar observer, here are some great stats to throw around when you discuss solar with a naysayer. These come from the recently released U.S. Solar Market Insight Report for 2012 from GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association.
PV installations grew 76% in 2012 to 3,313 MW. By segment, residential grew 62% to 488 MW, non-residential grew 26% to 1,043 MW, and utility-scale solar grew 134% to 1,781 MW.
Installed prices for PV systems fell 27% in 2012. By segment, residential solar system costs fell 18.1% to $5.04 per watt, non-residential costs fell 13.3% to $4.27 per watt, and utility costs fell 29% to $2.27 per watt.
GTM Research expects 4.3 GW of solar to be installed in the U.S. in 2013, up 29% from 2012. This includes strong growth in residential and non-residential and a slowing of utility solar growth. From 2013 to 2016, GTM Research expects the compound growth rate for solar in the U.S. to be 28%.
The states with the most installations in 2012 were California (1,033 MW), Arizona (710 MW), New Jersey (415 MW), and Nevada (198 MW).
These are extremely strong numbers for U.S. solar and all signs point to more growth in the years to come.
Suntech to investors: Go Away!
It’s been an interesting week for Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (NYSE:STP). On Monday, the company said it had reached a forbearance agreement (a delay in payment) with 60% of lenders on $541 million of debt that is due today, which it thinks means that it can delay payment of all the loans. Mid-week, analysts and lawyers analyzing the situation discovered that unless all investors agree to the forbearance the company will have to pay investors when their notes are due. Rumors began flying that the local Wuxi government would bail out the company, since the central government said that it would not. Some sort of default seemed likely, whether Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (NYSE:STP) went kicking and screaming or not.
The best part of this drama is the release last night from Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (ADR) (NYSE:STP) in relation to “unusual trading” of its stock. In reference to the notes due today, the company said that it “does not plan to make such payment and the Company’s management is not aware of any pending or planned actions or claims in relation to such non-payment by the trustee or the holders of the Notes.” In other words, we’re not paying you: Go away!