Third Point Started Selling Campbell Soup Co (NYSE:CPB)

Page 5 of 7 – SEC Filing
Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships With Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
Item 6 of the Schedule 13D is hereby supplementally amended as follows:
The Funds may, from time to time, enter into and dispose of cash-settled equity swap, stock-settled equity swap, option or other derivative transactions with one or more
counterparties that are based upon the value of shares of Capital Stock, which transactions may be significant in amount. The profit, loss and/or return on such contracts may be wholly or partially dependent on the market value of the shares of
Capital Stock.  In addition to the shares of Capital Stock reported herein by the Reporting Persons, the Funds currently have sold out-of-the-money call options representing 1,000,000 shares of Capital Stock through such contracts. These contracts
do not give the Reporting Persons direct or indirect voting, investment or dispositive control over any securities of the Issuer. Accordingly, the Reporting Persons disclaim any beneficial ownership in any securities that may be referenced in such
contracts or that may be held from time to time by any counterparties to such contracts.

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