These 10 Firms Were Thursday’s Top Performers

5. Oklo Inc. (NYSE:OKLO)

Shares of Oklo Inc. (OKLO) rose for a sixth day on Thursday, ending the day adding 13.78 percent to its current valuation at $38.78 apiece.

On the same day, Oklo announced that it signed a memorandum of understanding with Lightbridge to jointly explore opportunities for reprocessing and recycling spent uranium-zirconium fuel.

The companies said they plan to conduct a feasibility study of operating a Lightbridge commercial-scale fuel fabrication facility in the same location as Oklo’s proposed commercial fuel fabrication facility. The partnership was expected to potentially lead to advancements in the nuclear fuel sector.

In other news, Oklo last week earned a boost from hopes of a booming US energy sector, with President Donald Trump promising last week that the US would bank on the energy industry to bolster US manufacturing.

He said that the US “will bring prices down, fill our strategic reserves up again right to the top, and export American energy all over the world.”