These 10 Companies Led Gains on Wednesday

3. Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX)

Netflix Inc. (NFLX) saw its share prices on Wednesday jump by 9.69 percent to finish at $953.99 each fueled by news that it grew its customer base by 18.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, beating analysts’ expectations of 9.2 million.

As of this writing, Netflix’s customer base was already at 301.6 million.

The actual figure was markedly higher than the 13.1 million increase posted year-on-year.

According to Netflix (NFLX), the jump in its customer base can be owed to its biggest investment in sports, as well as the release of Squid Game 2, signaling that the company still had growth potential.

Meanwhile, Netflix (NFLX) also crossed the $10-billion mark for the first time, ending at $10.2 billion, beating analyst projections.