The Walt Disney Company (DIS) Needs to Make This Sequel

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Bottom line: I think every character in The Incredibles is likable, and its storyline boasts a novelty that simply doesn’t wear off as time goes on. What’s more, Pixar obviously made the first movie with sequels in mind, especially considering the way the film ended, with the family readying a fight with the aptly and hilariously named villian, “The Underminer.”

And when The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS)’s done with this sequel, I’d watch a prequel, too.

What’s stopping them?
It certainly isn’t a cash problem, and it’s a safe bet more Incredibles movies would pay off for The Walt Disney Company (NYSE:DIS), when we remember the first one brought in $631.4 million in global ticket sales with a production budget of just $92 million.

Alas, the hangup at this point seems to be director Brad Bird’s quest for the perfect storyline. In fact, Bird had the following to say to The Hollywood Reporter in May:

I’ve been thinking about [Incredibles 2] because I love those characters and love that world. I am stroking my chin and scratching my head. I have many, many elements that I think would work really well in another [Incredibles] film, and if I can get ’em to click all together, I would probably want to do that.

Of course, it’s been two months since that statement, and a lot can happen over a relatively short period of time, but it’s safe to say we probably won’t be seeing The Incredibles 2 anytime in the near future. But mark my words: Though Disney may be busy pumping out other blockbusters for now, I think this is one sequel that will happen eventually.

The article Disney Needs to Make This Sequel originally appeared on and is written by Steve Symington.

Fool contributor Steve Symington owns shares of Apple. The Motley Fool recommends and owns shares of Apple, Google, Netflix, and Walt Disney (NYSE:DIS).

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