The Simply Good Foods Company (NASDAQ:SMPL) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Rob Dickerson: Yes. Okay. Make sense. And then just quickly, look and when you came out of the destacking, repackage innovated on the Atkins brand, the results of this fairly material impact, which I would argue, as Rob Lowe probably has been around now, for some time. I just curious kind of your state-of-the-art sophisticated marketing platform, like as we think about twice rain, right, like I’m hearing, shelf positioning or some fixes, have to kind of match you some channels shifts. But, you know, is there anything else in there kind of, maybe give acting just a little bit more of a splash? By like, I don’t know if it’s another commercial or another kind of brand ambassador? or what have you just kind of anything in sort of how you’re thinking about how to push the brand a little bit more versus trying to pull the consumer maybe with some other fixes?

Joe Scalzo: Well, it looks — I think it’s good question. Robin it’s the question we asked ourselves all the time, we’re always looking at those things, right? If I look at the fundamentals of the business and the kind of the facts of the business, I don’t have a recruitment problem. Rob Test is strong now as we did when we first signed him. Our ability to attract consumers to the brand has been strong. If that changes, then you got to start rethinking kind of do you have the right consumer poll to attract consumers? Our issue has been buy rate. It’s been buy rates all through COVID? Is buy rate now due to executional issues? We’re kind of focused on that. Because we if we know we get the product portfolio, right, that we can get buy rate back to historic levels, and the business will go from where it is today at 4% to better than 4% over time.

So that’s what we’re focused on. But to answer your question, we’re always asking ourselves that we just resigned Rob, we just shot new commercials that are going on air as we speak. He still has really good appeal both demographically as well as the people that we’re talking about the benefits that we’re talking about so hard to replace him is kind of the figurehead celebrity. Now, we do a lot of things digitally with ambassadors to kind of target kind of micro segments within the brand. But I don’t know right now, all the data would suggest you keep firing on all cylinders within fix some of the executional issues and your business goes from 4% growth to something much better.

John Baumgartner: Got it. Fair enough. Thanks, Joe.

Joe Scalzo: .

Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve come to the end of our time allowed for questions. I will turn the floor back to Mr. Scalzo for final comments.

Joe Scalzo: Thanks again for all your participation today on today’s call. We hope you continue to remain safe and look forward to updating you on our second quarter results in April. Everyone have a good day. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes today’s conference call. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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