The table below shows a comparison between P&G, Johnson & Johnson and the industry.
Even though J&J’s stock performance has been impressive, P&G is better valued than Johnson & Johnson. Johnson & Johnson is currently trading at a higher P/E and P/S multiple as compared to P&G’s stock. Because P&G has both P/E and P/S multiples well below the industry standards, a value investor would surely be attracted to P&G. A growth investor looking to add high-earning companies to his portfolio would also consider the stock given its high EPS of $4.46.
P&G overhaul
There have been reports surrounding P&G of a new company structure wherein the company would divide itself into four sectors. Each unit would have its own president, who would then report to A.G. Lafley. P&G also laid out plans to improve its performance in developed markets, while maintaining its momentum in developing markets. Moreover, the company plans to generate an additional $10 billion by 2016 through its cost-reduction and productivity improvement plans.
Foolish bottom line
The consumer-goods stocks act as an inflation hedge and also provide great diversification benefits to the portfolio. P&G is better valued than both Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & Johnson. Considering the changes that P&G is looking forward to, I am bullish on its stock. With the old CEO back in action, it surely is a good buy!
Involved in everything from baby powder to biotech, Johnson & Johnson’s critics are convinced that the company is spread way too thin.
The article Old CEO, New Prospects originally appeared on
usha patodia has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble. The Motley Fool owns shares of Johnson & Johnson. usha is a member of The Motley Fool Blog Network — entries represent the personal opinion of the blogger and are not formally edited.
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