Wondering which the are most dangerous countries for tourists? Despite the natural beauty and cultural significance of some places, certain countries are not suitable for everyone to visit. When planning a vacation, some of the things we take into account are the attractions a site has to offer, its tourist venues and amenities, and its natural or cultural charm.
Yet, some vacation spots are not precisely recommended for tourists. Over the past decades some countries have experienced important economic and political crises, rendering those places unsuitable for occasional travelers. Furthermore, an increase in violence and disorder has been seen across the world, leaving some all-time classic tourist spots with a decrease in their numbers of inbound tourists. Places like Brazil appear to have scared away some tourists over the past years, seemingly no longer as desirable as it once was.
While some places are not precisely suitable for tourists because of the perils they pose to visitors, other places are just as dangerous for their own residents. Taking a look at The 10 Most Dangerous Places in the World, it is clear that some cities have gained quite a bad reputation regarding their level of violence. Places like Tegucigalpa, Caracas in Venezuela, and Belém in Brazil are among the most dangerous cities in the world. A recommendation for anyone would be to avoid these spots, despite their natural beauty and heritage.
In some cases, countries aren’t precisely the most dangerous in the world, but are indeed quite unsuitable for tourists. Usually, statistics for attacks on tourists aren’t easy to find. Yet agencies inform about the risks of certain traveling destinations. So, do you want to know which are the most dangerous countries for tourists? Take a look at the list we’ve compiled and find out!
No. 9 India
Despite its cultural and historical attraction, India is among the most dangerous countries for tourists to visit. Moreover, the society is strongly racist and misogynist. Over the past years, an increase in gender violence has been registered, and rape cases have been reported among female tourists. This of course makes the country especially unsafe for women traveling alone.
Don’t miss the next pages and the eight most dangerous countries for tourists to avoid.
No. 8 Guatemala
Guatemala is a beautiful country with an amazing forest and picturesque cities. Yet, the country has a serious problem with gangs and drug-traffic related crimes, which are constantly menacing the main cities. As many central-American countries like Mexico and Guatemala have a strong macho culture, numerous sexual assaults have taken place over the past years, with a rise of 34 percent between 2008 and 2011. This makes the country unattractive for traveling tourists.
No. 7 Afghanistan
This country has amazing sights and an incredible cultural heritage. Nevertheless, ever since the Russian invasion took place, Afghanistan has been engaged in different wars and conflicts. Daily insurgent activities and kidnappings strike the cities, making them dangerous for anyone who expects to spend a holiday there. Yet, some particular attractions like the Wakhan Corridor, the Bamiyan Valley, and Kunduz have special tours available.
No. 6 Mali
The country constantly attracts people from around the world because of its famous sights and events, such as the Great Mosque of Djenne, or the Festival au Desert. Yet, visiting Mali can be very risky, as the country is involved in frequent military conflicts. The possibility of a large attack can put everyone in danger overnight.
No. 5 Egypt
Egypt has been in a quite an unstable situation over the past years. Political turmoil and economic crisis has struck the country, making the situation rather tense for those visiting. El Cairo, the capital city of Egypt is among the most unsafe places for tourists, with a large number of burglaries and violent assaults.
No. 4 Somalia
Anyone planning to visit Somalia is recommended to think about it at least twice. Not only does the country have a very dangerous coast, because of piracy, but the country also suffers food shortages. Furthermore, some important embassies such as the United States embassy and the United Kingdom’s aren’t present in the territory.
No. 3 Honduras
The rate of crimes in Honduras is very high. Moreover, its healthcare system isn’t very good, and some diseases like malaria are widespread across the country. Although it has some marvelous natural spots, it is one of the most dangerous and hazardous places to visit.
No. 2 Iraq
A country constantly involved in wars is indeed not suitable for any tourist. Iraq has some amazing places such as the Southern Marshland, which lies between the Tigris and Euphrates, or the Arch of Clesiphon. Despite these natural and cultural attractions, the country is not recommended for traveling tourists, although some special escorted tours are available.
No. 1 North Korea
The most dangerous country to visit is North Korea. This place is not recommended for spending your vacations, and furthermore it is rather difficult to make it actually happen at any rate. Entering the country is very difficult, and everyone going in is heavily surveyed and examined. Moreover, not many embassies are in the country; for example, the U.S. has no embassy in North Korea.