The 8 Best Foods for Gaining Weight

Most of us are continuously looking to reduce our calorie intake in order to appear slender and fit, but what are the best foods for gaining weight? People with a high metabolism and naturally slim bodies often feel pressured to increase their body mass in order to prevent diseases and appear healthier. However, there’s only so much fast food you can eat before you start feeling heavy and unhealthy. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of ingredients and food groups that will help you gain weight without cramping your vitality.


Much like the top 5 diets that help you lose weight, which we covered in an article last week, the foods on this list don’t require a major alteration to your daily eating habits. Instead, incorporating these elements into your routine can result in a scale that slowly compresses more over time, as your greater body mass steps on onto it.

As with all dietary adjustments, it’s important to emphasize the fact that long-lasting results take time to achieve. Therefore it’s best to indulge in these foods for at least a month before tossing your resolve out the window. Let’s take a look at the best foods for gaining weight and how you can incorporate them into your diet.

8. Cheese

This high-protein and high-fat product is not only the Achilles heel of many French chefs, but also provides you with a flavourful edge to most vegetarian dishes. Cheese contains high calcium values, as it is derived from milk, but its fat percentage varies according to the time of curation and type of animal milk. For example, parmesan cheese is considered one of the most fattening cheeses, as it is curated for an extended amount of time, giving it that firm structure.

The dietary path to a bigger you has only just begun. Keep reading for the seven best foods to gain weight, and get eating.

7. Granola

Although granola is considered a healthy breakfast option for children and adults alike, this oat-based invention contains several elements to increase your weight. The sugar featured in the dry fruits, the fat content of the nuts and coconut oil, and the oatmeal’s fibre content combine into an energy booster like no other. You can also add yogurt to further boost your calorie and calcium intake. Granola’s only drawback is that the high fiber content can make you feel satiated and limit your desire to eat more (and gain more weight).

6. Avocado

For those of you trying to get that bikini figure going, look away, because this tasty, smooth, green vegetable contains 280 calories a piece. However, avocados also feature high potassium, folic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin B, making them very healthy weight gainers. You can incorporate them into your breakfast by spreading the green veggie on your bread, or include them in salads. Can you say hurray for guacamole?

5. Red Meat

Let’s just say that a good old-fashioned hamburger can go a long way when it comes to pushing those scale numbers up. For those of you who haven’t taken the vegetarian route, eating red meats at least once a week is a bullet-proof way to gain weight. Although the fat content in meat varies according to the cut, all of them are high in cholesterol, protein, and most importantly, iron. So limit your intake in order to stay healthy and choose rib-eye, New York strip, or beef tenderloin to meat-up your diet.

4. Nut Butters

It’s hard to resist the temptation of a peanut butter sandwich when you’re dieting, but for those trying to gain weight, this cream made out of peanuts (or other nuts) is perfect. Containing 100 calories, 4 grams of protein, folate, magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B3 in each tablespoon, this spread is ideal for complementing the next item on our list.

3. Whole Wheat Bread

Gaining weight isn’t only about increasing the fat intake in your meals, but also about eating foods that will fill you while giving you energy. Whole wheat bread accomplishes just that. In addition to being healthier than white bread, due to its less refined processing, whole grain contains fibre and minerals.

2. Tropical Fruit

While grapefruits and oranges can help you lose weight, certain tropical fruits will do the complete opposite. Mango, papaya, pineapple, and bananas contain a lot of natural sugar which will provide you with energy boosts throughout the day. For those who struggle with eating multiple servings of fruit a day, remember you can always make smoothies (and indeed, increasing your intake of high-calorie liquids can be another ideal way to pack on weight).

1. Nuts

We already mentioned nut butters as a savvy way to gain weight, but nuts in their natural form are also one of the best foods you can ingest to pile on the pounds. Their fibre and nutrient content is highly beneficial, but as they’re rich in fats this also makes them a great snacking option. Eat a handful of macadamia nuts in between meals to increase your daily calorie intake.