The 7 Most Important Medical Advances of the Past Decade

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Ever wonder what the most important medical advances of the past decade have been? Medicine is an ever evolving field of science, with constant breakthroughs and discoveries being made at a rapid pace. Wondering what this past decade has brought in terms of medical advances? We have compiled a list of the seven most impressive medical triumphs over the last ten years. From vaccines and cancer treatments to the once a day HIV pill, our list has it all.

So, let’s take a look at the countdown.

No. 7: Blood Tests for Down Syndrome Detection

While amniocentesis represents a reliable method to detect the Down syndrome in an unborn fetus, this particular procedure does carry some risks. However, in 2008, scientists developed a less invasive test that could identify the syndrome simply by drawing blood from the mother.

No. 6: The All Inclusive Vaccine

If you have any children, you probably already know how much of a hassle it is to keep up with the strict vaccination regimen a child has to undergo in the first year and a half of its life. Scientists have tried to alleviate this burden with the introduction of a brand new vaccine, called Pentacel, which single handedly provides protection against five diseases: polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and haemophilus influenza.
See the rest of the most important medical advances of the past 10 years:

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