The 5 Reasons Why You’re Single and Miserable

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1. You Don’t Really Want a Relationship at All

Are you absolutely sure that you want a relationship? Just consider this possibility: you might think you want something serious because everyone else around you has it. Being single doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re miserable, crying yourself to sleep every night, and spending all your weekends with Netflix. Going out with your friends, dedicating to your work and enjoying your independence fully are totally satisfactory activities for many people, and can be very fulfilling lives. Don’t feel obligated to go the marriage/family route if it’s not REALLY what you want out of your life. It’s your life, and you shouldn’t feel any pressure from your family or society at large to conform to a certain standard of living. In conclusion, the fact that you’re single may not be a bad thing at all, but rather, because you enjoy being single, even if you haven’t really accepted that fact yet; and there’s nothing wrong with that. Accept it and be happy with the life you want for yourself.

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