You probably have your own list of those movies which in your mind are some of the most underrated movies of all time. Movies you absolutely love for various reasons, but for whatever reason, the masses just didn’t seem to accept.
But have you ever wondered about what those poor-taste masses think about all those movies that never quite made it to the top? Those movies with hundreds of millions of dollars that have not been quite as successful as producers would have wished? As time goes by, everyone remembers the classics, but very few people seem to remember those great movies that did not have the success they deserved and didn’t reach a wider audience. Movies often end up being remembered more for their commercial success or failure than anything else, and only a handful of cult classics can stand the test of time years later.
As well as having a ranking for the best movies of all time,, the most popular website for anything movie-related, has a ranking for the most underrated movies of all time, based on the votes of the site’s many users; users just like you, who have beloved movies they can’t believe no one else cares about, but for which they wish to spread the word.
Can we take such a survey seriously? Can the mass market’s taste be trusted, or will it result in the same awful movies being considered underrated that are just further hiding the real gems from public view? Sometimes you can, and there are probably lots of movies that deserve their place on the following list, just as they did on our list of the 20 Highest Rated Movies of All-Time.
But one thing is for sure; the majority of people voting are the same ones that have essentially made these movies underrated in the first place, so take that for what it is. Now then, let’s take a look at the most underrated movies of all time, according to IMDB’s movie lovers.