The 12 Most Expensive Apple (AAPL) Apps in the Market

No. 1 iVIP Black – $999.99

And the most popular “millionaire’s app”: iVIP Black. This app allows users to get VIP treatment from the company’s luxury partners. In order to use this application, you have to verify that you are a millionaire, by declaring you own more than $1 million, in British pounds (worth about 1.6 times the US dollar), and you’ll also need to visit the UK in order to take full advantage of the services offered by iVIP. The best thing about iVIP Black is that it can be customized to suit every user’s individual needs: whether you are into racehorse ownership, or fancy helicopters and VIP lounges, iVIP offers access to a number of exclusive goods and services.

So remember, if you are looking for some very specific solutions, or are just a millionaire and want to have some fun, check out these 12 most expensive Apple apps in the market, applications developed for you and provided by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s App Store.