Move ahead from the competition with this list of 11 most effective advertising strategies for small businesses. Anyone that’s running a business can attest the difficulty of running and maintaining one. Small businesses especially have it tough because they have to face numerous competitors. They may have great ideas that don’t live out to expectations because of bad advertising strategies. For every type of business, great strategies can lead to bigger sales and bigger profits.
For readers out there that don’t know where to start yet, this list is best paired with the 12 Most Profitable Businesses. A combo that will surely rake in profit once it gets going. You may be interested in what’s profitable, or just trying to build something based on your passion. This list can get you ahead.
Over the years we’ve seen the rise of different marketing and advertising strategies. The rise and fall usually come with trends and new technologies. For example, advertising strategies from 50 years ago wouldn’t be as effective today considering the new mediums we have. They did not have a widespread internet connection back then. Smartphones weren’t also something on people’s radars. However, we may still find a few lessons and strategies from the past that hold true today. You can get your own inspiration for your small business. Let’s get to the first strategy.
11. TV and Radio
Though TV and Radio had their times in the spotlight long ago, they are still widely used technology today. They’ve actually improved and innovated in the last few years with digital and internet integration. If you’re living in a town that has a local radio station or TV network, that can be a great opportunity to advertise.
10. Pay Per Click Ads
For many internet users, pay per click ads are often ignored or disregarded. However, many internet users will agree that sometimes there’s an ad that can get their attention. One click is all it needs for someone to check out what you offer.
9. Print Ads
Many would argue that the internet has reduced the sales of both newspapers and magazines. Still, many companies and individuals purchase these forms of media. Advertising for a newspaper or magazine is also more affordable compared to TV and radio. You should try this out if you have a local print run.
8. Events and Sponsorship
One way to make an impression is through events and sponsorships. If you’re participating or sponsoring events, you create more visibility. Advocates of a certain event will also retain a memory of your business because of the event. For example professional athletes or teams are usually known through their sponsors.
7. Flyers
Sometimes all it takes is just a simple flyer for someone to create an opportunity for his/her own business. If you have a 5% chance of getting someone to notice your flyer, that’s still 5 customers per 100 people. That can instantly give you profit. It’s still only a game of numbers.
6. Content Marketing
One way that a small company can create a lot of visibility online is through content marketing. What they do is they have an avenue where they can post content related to their business. For example companies may have websites, blogs or newsletters that people can view. Regular viewers have the potential of becoming clients.
There are still more strategies to discuss as we continue this list of the 11 most effective advertising strategies for small businesses.
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
One of the reasons the internet became a convenience is because of search engines. Search engines allowed people to no longer use a lot of time finding references. The internet gave them the opportunity to simply search for it online. Due to this, companies have been heavily investing in strategies that would lead them to the first place in online search lists. It is well-known fact that people tend to look only at who’s on the top.
4. Social Media
With the ever increasing popularity of social media, it’s only a matter of time before more and more businesses use it for advertisement. Already, many clients find businesses through social media.
3. Networking
Networking is a very broad concept. To try to put it simply, it means increasing your business circle of associates. The more businesses you know the more partnerships you can create. The more people you know, the more people you can use for your business.
2. Email Lists
Email was also a very popular fad during the early years of the internet. Though it doesn’t have the same amount of attention social media has today, almost everyone has an email address. It basically replaced snail mail. Smartphones have also contributed to this effectivity because every smartphone is integrated with a person’s email.
1. Referrals
There is nothing more effective than hearing a positive review or a recommendation from a close friend, making referrals the top of this list. They have statistically proven that referrals get more customers than any other strategy. Giving an incentive to people that refer can be a good business strategy.
Get started and get investing in these advertising strategies. Make sure you try these 11 most effective advertising strategies for small businesses at least once and see what works for you.