The 11 Most Dangerous Animals in the World

Today we tread into dangerous terrain with this list of the 11 most dangerous animals in the world. For most of us that live in a metropolis and large cities, we often forget the presence of animals in the wilderness. What we are familiar with are the domesticated and bred types of animals. The animals that are eaten or taken care of as pets. Every year there are many more species that are discovered, each having their own advantages and dangers and there are still many unknown to us.

What constitutes these animals being called dangerous? One of the main factors for the dangers that these large or small animals present is that they have capabilities of inflicting fatalities, if they decide to turn aggression to you. Some would best be avoided once encountered and some can even cause havoc if let loose in cities. If you’re looking for a friendlier list, check out the World’s Most Famous Animals.

Some of these on the list may not be familiar or common animals you may know of, there are certain areas in the world where these animals may be more commonly found or dominant. Remember to always take care and be aware of the potential things you may encounter when you travel, especially those you are not usually expecting.. With this, let’s start the list:

11. Hyena

Commonly known for its trademark laugh and being a scavenging animal more than a hunting animal, hyenas can become relentless in pursuit and the hunt especially when they develop a taste for human flesh. They’ve also been known to actively hunt humans if there is a decrease in the food supply.


10. Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragons aren’t very picky eaters. They will eat and hunt what is available to them, even humans. They’ve been known to dig up graves and eat remains of other animals. Once they start to hunt they are very stealthy, and oftentimes they bite or infect with their saliva and slowly kill their prey with bacteria.


9. Stone Fish

One of the most venomous fish in the world. They are very dangerous because they are very small and easily camouflage on the ocean floor. The venomous spines on the fish’s back can be lethal or at the very least can destroy a limb.


8. Leopard

Leopards are one of the fiercest animals in the animal kingdom and also one of the most dangerous especially when wounded. Leopards aren’t known to run from a fight and you’d be surprised how dangerous trees can become because of them.


7. Black Mamba

This snake is considered as the most dangerous snake in the world. The black mamba has a very precise and fast striking speed, giving poison faster than you can react to its bite. The black mamba is also known to be a very fast pursuer.


6. Deathstalker Scorpion

This scorpion is responsible for ¾ of all scorpion deaths in the world. Its sting is one of the most painful ones, and it’s definitely not one you would want to endure; if you survive in the first place, that is. This scorpion’s main victims are children.


More deadly animals to be listed down on this second half of the 11 most dangerous animals in the world.

5. Blue Ringed Octopus

This small golf-ball sized octopus sports colorful blue rings hiding it’s capability for death. The poison in this octopus has no cure, and it is strong enough to kill around 25 full grown humans. Those who have known to survive its sting remain paralyzed for the rest of their lives.


4. Hippopotamus

This often silent herbivore is one of the most dangerous animals in the wild. They have been known to exhibit aggressive behavior with their sharp teeth and strong bodies. They’ve been also known to destroy property and attack humans.


3. Saltwater Crocodile

One of the strongest animals in the world, it’s bite can prove to be fatal and hard to be free from. They’ve been known to eat almost any living thing, even animals larger than them.

Ery Azmeer/

Ery Azmeer/

2. African Elephant

The largest land animal today is also one of the most dangerous. If you haven’t seen a raging elephant before in TV or the internet, these animals have been known to destroy and kill in bouts of rage.


1. Box Jellyfish

The box jellyfish have a lot of sub-species and each of them is considered very deadly. The floating translucent fishes may not seem much of a threat, but they have one of the most venomous and painful stings known to man. Most who have encountered a box jellyfish have not lived to tell the tale of its sting.


Whether it is an animal by air, land or sea, it would be better off not provoking an animal that may have a weapon that can be lethal to your life. Always be aware wherever you go and be sure to research a place and especially the animals if you plan to go into the wilderness. That is our list of the 11 most dangerous animals in the world.