Find the best quality of life in this list of the 11 countries with the best standard of living. Although, to many, standard of living may be subjective or may vary depending on the individual and his/her current circumstances. There are some factors that most, if not all people agree on, and which determine the standard of living in a country – from the level of pollution, traffic, property and goods price, to healthcare capabilities and benefits, safety and even the general financial power of the people and the country. All of these are taken into account and will be the main reason for the ranking in this list.
If you’re looking for another list to confirm what you’ve read and known, and also want something with a broader scope, be sure to check out our list of the Top 20 Countries with the Best Quality of Life.
What countries do you think have the best standard of living? What factors do you believe make up such standards? You might find yourself immersed in one way or another – from a simple interest in a country to an opportunity to stay or live in one. More information leads to a better decision, of course, so let’s go ahead and start with the list of these high quality countries.
11. Norway
Norway has a lot going for it, and even every household has an average income that is higher than that of an average American citizen. About 80% of the population is educated in at least secondary school and the country itself exhibits a high happiness index, life expectancy and voter turnout.
10. New Zealand
For the land that has more sheep than it does people, the standard of living just keeps getting better. One of the main points of the quality of life in New Zealand is the clean and well-taken care of environment. Many citizens are satisfied with the environment as well as the community that continues to support them, along with a very transparent government.
9. Canada
Canada is well-known for the quality of life and benefits the country offers, not only to local citizens but to immigrants as well. Housing is affordable, jobs are in demand, and more than 50% of the population is undertaking or has finished tertiary education.
8. Australia
Australia has been booming on all fronts in recent years. From an increasing economy to an improving tourism, employment and educational system, many of the citizens declare that the better standard of life is due to the government able to give them solutions to the needs of the community. Australia is also one of the world’s advocates for work-life balance.
7. Austria
One of the safest places in the world, Austria is the home of some of the wealthiest people in the world, and prides itself on its clean and rich environments. Every household enjoys a very high salary and ¾ of the population have paid income.
6. Denmark
Considered as one of the countries with the highest happiness and satisfaction indexes, Denmark takes the 6th place in this list as having one of the highest standards of living in the world.
Continue to the next page to see the remainder of this list of 11 countries with the best standard of living.
5. Finland
The Finnish take the fifth spot having one of the best educational systems in the world and having a high number of people in the population skilled and educated. It is also one of the safest and happiest places in the world.
4. United States
Even without considering all these factors regarding the standard of living, many people still believe and know that the US is one of the best places to be; just by taking into account general knowledge economy, power, opportunity, social standing, and the like.
3. Sweden
The diverse country of Sweden is among the best when it comes to the standard of living. They have produced some of the best benefits in the world like free education and quality goods. The country itself is generally very dependable and friendly whether it’s the government or the community itself.
2. Germany
Germany continues its reputation of high standards and high quality coming 2nd in this list. The country itself is one of the best in healthcare and infrastructure and it has relatively low crime levels and political problems.
1. Switzerland
The highest among the majority of European countries in this list, Switzerland takes the top spot with a luxurious population living under the luxurious circumstances and opportunities Switzerland provides. It is the only place in the world that people have a direct effect on the passing of the constitution and the laws.
There you have it – our list of the 11 countries with the best standard of living. If you’re prepared for the most special of experiences and the best quality of life, then consider any of these countries on the list.