The 11 Countries that Consume the Most Eggs

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Chickens around the world work overtime to satisfy these 11 countries that consume the most eggs. Eggs have been a staple meal and important food ingredient in different parts of the world. There is no doubt that eggs are consumed steadily throughout the world. They can be cooked and used in a variety of ways. Eggs can be mixed with other ingredients for meals and even desserts, but they can also be served as a separate and complete meal, and can be found in almost every home, cafe, diner and restaurant.

Many types of animals lay eggs, but the most common and the most consumed are from chickens. Eggs are actually very nutritious and can provide different health benefits. They are very popular among athletes and people maintaining their fitness. Because of the popularity of eggs they’ve been represented and used in different types of mediums. You’ll find it in video games, advertising, as a representation of different food companies, etc. Another popular pair for eggs during breakfast is milk. You might even find similarities in the list of 11 Countries that Consume the Most Milk.

Some of the countries here are large producers of eggs as well, meaning the large supply can be directly related to the number of consumers in the country. It is reasonable considering that without any shipping costs and taxes, eggs can be cheaper in these places. Let’s check the first egg-loving country:

11. Portugal

You’ll find eggs in most of the delicacies of Portugal. From soups, steaks, fish and desserts, you’ll find eggs used in a variety of recipes throughout the country. Surprisingly the Portugal’s love for eggs isn’t actually directly from their own past, but rather from the influence of numerous countries. One of the countries that had a major influence on Portugal is Rome.

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