The 10 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2013

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The most ridiculous lawsuits of 2013 showed us that rather than the justice system having adapted to and cut down on cases of outlandish claims for compensation from people looking to score some easy money, such frivolous lawsuits are instead only becoming even more commonplace. Not only that, they are becoming ever sillier in their content, so silly that you likely won’t believe any of the following lawsuits are actually real.


As we showcased in a previous article on the Top 7 Most Unbelievable Lawsuits, people are getting ever more creative in how they profess the world has caused them injustice. That countdown showed among other cases, that one man even tried suing the big man upstairs, God himself, for failing to protect him from the evils of the world. The man’s case, in which he demanded his previous religious donations be returned to him for breach of heavenly contract, was eventually thrown out.

Now we’re back with a newer list of wild claims and bold allegations, consisting of the most ridiculous lawsuits of 2013. Could any of them top the craziness found on our previous rankings? Read on to find out.

10. Tennessee Man Files Suit Against Apple for Becoming Addicted to Porn

A man from Tennessee claimed to have become addicted to pornography after mistakenly visiting an adult website, and sued Apple for not blocking those sites. According to his lawsuit, Apple should sell all its devices in ‘safe mode’, with software preset to filter out pornographic contents.

We’re just getting started on the countdown of the most ridiculous lawsuits of 2013. Read on for the wildest court cases from that year.

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