Have you ever wondered which are the laziest countries in the world? The concerns regarding activity and laziness are growing across the world. According to a report by the World Health Organization, about a third of people across the world don’t meet the minimum activity requirements for maintaining good health, which is approximately 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week.
Over the past decades, jobs and working hours have become more extended, and work-related calorie expenditure has decreased by about 100 calories per day as more and more jobs become less physically intensive, and more sedentary in nature. Although some of these calories not being burnt off during work are instead being burned off during weekends and through increased leisure time, experts affirm that the balance between energy intake and output is a major cause for concern.
Furthermore, technological advances have, undoubtedly made our lives easier and more practical. Yet by its very nature, those advanced have increased our own inactivity and laziness in several ways. New motorized transport has made other means of transportation, such as bicycling or a good walk outdated. This of course depends on every person’s best interests. Nevertheless, some countries have a, let’s say more “active” culture and tradition, while other countries have a more relaxed and less energetic way of living and have become some of the laziest countries in the world as a result.
Moreover, some countries have a higher life expectancy and healthier customs and traditions. Disregarding whether a nation is more developed or has fallen behind regarding progress and overall advancement, life quality is tied to several elements which go from the healthcare system, to food habits, to activity. We have compiled a list of Country-by-Country Life Expectancy: The World’s 15 Healthiest Countries. Check it out, you might be surprised to see some of the healthiest countries in the world include places like France, Japan, Macau and Monaco.
But inactivity isn’t only affecting life quality; it has grown to be the fourth leading cause of death, with an estimated 5.3 million deaths worldwide per year, as a result of inactivity. Yet, not everything is doom and gloom! Experts affirm that getting about 1.5 hours per week of exercise can extend your lifespan by three years.
Taking a look at the numbers provided by the World Health Organization, we have made a ranking featuring the ten laziest countries in the world. Do you live in any of these lazy nations? Check out our list and find out!
No. 10 Malaysia
Inactive population: 61.4%
No. 9 United Arab Emirates
Inactive population: 62.5%
No. 8 Great Britain
Inactive population: 63.3%
No. 7 Kuwait
Inactive population: 64.5%
No. 6 Micronesia
Inactive population: 66.3%
No. 5 Argentina
Inactive population: 68.3%
No. 4 Serbia
Inactive population: 68.3%
No. 3 Saudi Arabia
Inactive population: 68.8%
No. 2 Swaziland
Inactive population: 69.0%
No. 1 Malta
Inactive population: 71.9%