Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Operator: We’ll go next to the line of Robert Stallard with Vertical Research.

Robert Stallard: Thanks so much. Good morning.

Frank Connor: Good morning.

Scott Donnelly: Good morning.

Robert Stallard: Scott, on industrials, a good quarter there, both on the top line and the margin. How sustainable do you think this is going forward? And do you just see this as a sign that the U.S. consumer is still holding in there pretty resilient?

Scott Donnelly: Oh, look, I do think it’s a good sign for sure, Robert. I mean the automotive guys recovery as kind of every geography is encouraging to see those volumes going up and there, and I think the Kautex guys did a nice job of converting on that. We still continue to see strong demand across golf and turf and consumer products. I mean — so yes, I mean, it’s — they’re hanging in there, right? I mean I think we all still worry a little bit about that high-end consumer, but things have been pretty reasonable. Now as you know, there is a certain seasonality of these businesses. In autumn, we do a lot of summer shutdowns and things like that, so second quarter is usually a stronger quarter. Third quarter is usually a little bit lighter in terms of the revenue on those businesses. But look, net of the whole thing, I think the demand environment has been improving, and our teams are doing a nice job of executing on that.

Robert Stallard: Yes. And then Frank, a technical question for you. You raised the EPS guide by $0.10, so can you give us some idea of where that’s coming from within the operations?

Frank Connor: Yes. I mean it reflects kind of strong first half and the earnings obviously that we just reported. So there’s a little bit in there for kind of share count and some other things, but it reflects a solid first half of the year and just continuing good execution in the second half of the year. As Scott said, I think kind of — there’s a little bit of volume at aviation that is going to probably be light relative to our guide, but industrial is probably coming in stronger than we had first thought from a top line standpoint and overall solid execution across the businesses.

Robert Stallard: That’s great. Thanks so much.

Operator: Thank you. We’ll go next to the line of George Shapiro with Shapiro Research.

George Shapiro: Good morning and good numbers. Scott, are we — do you think we still do 200 deliveries or we should not maybe call that 190 or something given that we seem to be missing a couple each quarter?

Scott Donnelly: Yes. I think the number is going to be a little bit lighter than we originally had in there, George so I don’t think it’s going to be 200. As I said, I think their execution is strong. I think the margins and contribution to earnings are going to be where we expected them to be, but it’s going to be with a little bit lighter top line just driven by, again, trying to get the aircraft out and obviously those are aircraft that will move into 2024 sales that are still going to happen, but I do think we’ll be a little bit lighter on the year than what we originally guided on the top line.

George Shapiro: And at Bell, is the margin guide still good, assuming that this quarter was particularly strong because Florida hasn’t fully built yet, so margins will weaken in subsequent quarters?