Tetra Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTEK) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

But yes, I think your characterization of our maintaining and improving our outlook through the year even with the beat is accurate Andy.

Andy Wittmann: Okay. And then, I guess, the follow-on question to that is — obviously only 10 days with RPS here, but going forward can you just talk about how you’re going to talk about EPS guidance there’s going to be an intangible amortization hit which you don’t know yet obviously. And so you gave us I think a very realistic way of looking at it with this kind of two pieces. But going forward do you think that — is 2023 going to have like an adjustment for some of this intangible amortization? And then maybe as you go to the future 2024 something that you kind of get back to just closing it more like you’ve done historically which is really founded in GAAP principles, or how are you talking and thinking about that internally?

Dan Batrack: I think that’s a great question. That’s a great question. That — for those that have followed Tetra Tech’s guidance you would know that we’re on a GAAP. In fact, I think we’re the only company not just in our industry but any industry that actually does adjustments and moves our actual performance down. And you can see that we adjusted from over $2 a share of earnings per share down to our $1.34. You would have seen each of the quarters last year. We took any type of extraordinary contribution and adjusted our EPS down. So I don’t know who does that other than Tetra Tech. And we do present the GAAP and we continue — and we look to revert to that once we’ve actually incorporated RPS and understand what the one-time transaction, which we actually know those costs with the integration cost and the intangible amortization.

I expect those will be on an adjusted basis. We’ll be quite transparent as to what those are. But as we move into 2024, I expect us to be returning to where we’ve historically been. In fact even this quarter where we’ve been, which is the cleanest, most direct reporting of our results, which are on a GAAP basis. And if there are extraordinary contributions we’ve even taken those out to reflect our increases that are well into the double digits. So yes I’m not looking to change Tetra Tech’s reporting off into the future. But there are so many one-time items associated with RPS joining us. It would only be appropriate to provide a clear accurate understanding of their contributions by adjusting for those because they are one-time and in the case of intangible amortization, we don’t even know that number yet.

So we’ll put that into place this next quarter. We’ll probably have adjustments through 2023 and then we’ll return at appropriate timing to GAAP reporting for the company.

Andy Wittmann: Okay. That all make a lot of sense. Thank you for your time and prospectus.

Dan Batrack: Great. Thank you very much, Andy.

Operator: Thank you. Our next questions come from the line of Alex Dwyer with KeyBanc. Please proceed with your question.

Alex Dwyer: Hi guys. Can you talk about the IIJA? It sounds like the expectation is still for a minimal contribution later this year? Has anything changed here since the last update maybe in terms of customers moving forward with projects or more funding coming through the pipeline? I’m just trying to get a sense of what’s currently baked into the guidance could ultimately prove conservative this year?