Tesoro Corporation (TSO), Chevron Corporation (CVX) & More: Does Your State Have the Most Expensive Gasoline in America?

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Flash forward to today
Relying on gas tax revenue to maintain our transportation infrastructure is a tricky business. Today, American roads are in desperate need of repair, but because gas is expensive many of us are driving less. Those that still head out on the highway are increasingly using less gasoline because they are driving more fuel-efficient vehicles.

As a result, many states are making plans to increase taxes on gasoline. Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that 17 states are considering or have already enacted tax hikes to give their transportation budgets a boost. As further evidence that these are desperate times for infrastructure budgets, 18 states haven’t enacted a gas tax increase in 20 years or more.

It may well be that high gas prices are here to stay.

The article Does Your State Have the Most Expensive Gasoline in America? originally appeared on Fool.com and is written by Aimee Duffy.

Fool contributor Aimee Duffy has no position in any stocks mentioned. Click here to see her holdings and a short bio. If you have the energy, follow her on Twitter, where she goes by @TMFDuffy. The Motley Fool recommends Chevron.

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