Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA)’s Spilled Secret May Be Its Smartest Move Yet

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Is Tesla worth it?

With Tesla’s recent price spike, any attempts at valuation are virtually impossible. The company is in growth mode, and Musk’s recent announcements prove once again that this company isn’t playing by the rules. I’ve seen my own shares soar 175%, and I’m excited to buckle in for Tesla’s mass market ride.

The article Tesla’s Spilled Secret May Be Its Smartest Move Yet originally appeared on Fool.com and is written by Justin Loiseau.

Fool contributor Justin Loiseau owns shares of Tesla Motors, but prefers pedal power for his own transportation. You can follow him on Twitter, @TMFJLo, and on Motley Fool CAPS, @TMFJLo.The Motley Fool recommends Ford, General Motors, and Tesla Motors and owns shares of Ford and Tesla Motors.

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