Terran Orbital Corporation (NYSE:LLAP) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Marc Bell: Guy with social media is shaking his head looking at me, saying, he’s no clue what you’re talking about, but we will really check it out. So obviously I believe you. I don’t know. Like I said, he is shaking his head. He’s going to look into it. So sorry, I don’t put the accounts, but the guy who does is going to find out. Thanks for pointing that out to us.

Operator: Next, we have a follow-up question from Peter Singh again, he is a private investor.

Unidentified Analyst : Just one more question here. Regarding the proposal from the cofounders and their recent letter after the fact when you announced the reduced revenue guidance. Any thoughts there? And how should the shareholders consider the pipeline that they are proposing and how does it align with the pipeline that you have minus Rivada?

Marc Bell: I don’t understand the question.

Unidentified Analyst : The cofounders are proposing — the cofounders their pipeline.

Marc Bell: First of all, they’re not cofounders. The 3 founders of Terran Orbital are Marc Bell, Dan Staton, and Anthony Privates who is deceased. Those are the three founders. So, you got to get your facts straight, please. Second, they predicted they were able they proposed — they said they can close $1.7 billion, which is great. We have not seen — we have lots of things that we’re bidding on, but we don’t disclose what we’re working on. It could be the same thing. It cannot be the same things. If they wanted to be helpful shareholders, they could give us the information, they choose not to, and that’s their decision.

Operator: Those are all the questions we have. So, I’ll talk all back to the management team.

Marc Bell: Okay. Well, thank you very much for attending, everybody. We really appreciate it. We appreciate all the feedback and inviting everybody else to have questions. And I want everyone to — I guess the next time we’ll speak to you will be after the holidays, everybody, and enjoy your Thanksgiving, and thank you very much for joining us.

Operator: Thank you, everyone, for joining us today. This concludes our call, and you may now disconnect your lines.

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