TeraWulf Inc. (NASDAQ:WULF) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

So that’s why there’s an emphasis on, we’re now free cash flow positive and paying down debt. So you’re going to see us chip away at the debt over the next few quarters to put the company in a really strong position, I think going into the halving. And then I think just one other thing, Paul mentioned it, given again, we have such high ownership of the management board of directors and insiders, we’re literally, I think over 55%. There’s no other, there’s one other peer that has even double digits ownership. And so we are very aligned with our shareholders. And as Paul points out, anything that we look at, it has to be accretive. So that is, the bar is set very high and I think for us right now, as Paul mentioned, the easiest low-hanging accretive route is really expansion at our existing sites.

Nick Giles: Got it, got it, makes sense. Thanks again for those comments and congrats on the flip to free cash flow positivity here. Maybe just one last one for me, do you have any agreement in place with Bitmain for minor procurement beyond what you already have contracted? I know the relationship is strong there, but just want to get a sense for how we should think about minor purchases beyond what you’ve already announced.

Paul Prager: Yeah, this is Paul. We have a great relationship with Bitmain and I really value them. I think they think of us in many respects as a partner. They’ve helped us come to scale here, but we don’t have agreements that you don’t know about. Obviously we’d have to report that, but we are constantly evaluating our fleet and how we continue to scale our mining activities and what are the right machines. But everything that we’ve contracted for you’re aware of and anything going forward would be a new contract and we’d negotiate to the death to make sure we got the best deal for our shareholders.

Nick Giles: Got it, got it. Well, Paul, Patrick, thank you so much for all the color and to you and the team, continue best of luck.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question comes from the line of Mike Grondahl with Northland Securities. Please go ahead.

Mike Grondahl: Hey guys, congratulations on the progress. Three questions for me. I’ll just ask them up front here. One, on the power costs with Lake Mariner, is there anything we should think about their sort of late summer, fall? Secondly, Paul, I’d kind of love to get your thoughts just on the halving in general, kind of if you’ve got a crystal ball, kind of what you think might be the best way you think may happen. And then maybe lastly for Patrick, sort of how are you feeling about the balance sheet, the debt levels, some of the warrants that go with the debt in kind of overall liquidity now that you’re generating free cash and there was some thoughts that maybe you guys were in the market a couple weeks ago. If you could kind of round that out, maybe that would be helpful.

Patrick Fleury: Yeah sure. So I guess let me take those in reversal or Mike just while the last one’s freshest in our mind. So look, yeah, I think we got a lot of phone calls. There was some speculation. I think that we were contemplating a capital markets transaction. I think what I will say to you, and I think you guys are hearing loud and clear from Paul and I in this call, is we will not do a dilutive transaction at a big discount to the market. Those days are past us. We are now in a very strong liquidity position. You can see our cash building on our June 30 balance sheet. We are, now that we have full 160 megawatts and five and half excess, we are generating free cash flow. We’ve also given you that disclosure in our latest presentation, so you can see all of our unit economic costs.