Tecogen Inc. (PNK:TGEN) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Unidentified Analyst: Well, fair enough. Thanks for all of the input.

Abinand Rangesh: Thank you, Mike. Thanks for being a supporter as always.

Operator: Thank you. Our next questions come from the line of Alexander Blanton with Clear Harbor Asset Management. Please proceed with your question.

Alexander Blanton: Just a follow-up. You talked about the different markets outside the New York, nationwide. Could you characterize the last two orders that you announced publicly, could you tell us where those are and how they fit into that plan?

Abinand Rangesh: So one of the orders, the one for the hybrid chiller as well as the InVerde, that one was down in Florida. The 12-unit order was actually a mix of – it’s a project developer that’s operating all over the Northeast. It wasn’t specifically one market. It was across – all the way going from Connecticut downwards. So it was – that was a lot of smaller orders that were – smaller projects that were linked together as one blanket order. But we definitely had projects last year that – some that were in Missouri. We’re seeing projects now, Illinois, Nevada, that, again, we had never really looked at before. So we’re starting to see a lot more of that.

Alexander Blanton: These are potential orders you’re talking about in these different…

Abinand Rangesh: Well, there was some last year. So there were some last year that shipped to Missouri. But now we have some potential orders to the second half of the year that are in different parts of the country as well. So some that are in Nevada, some that are out west in Oregon, some that are, yes, in Illinois, Texas, those kind of things, yes. So we’re seeing projects all over the country right now.

Alexander Blanton: I think that’s very encouraging.

Abinand Rangesh: Yes. So I do believe that this – like we’re really just going through the pivot right now. These things will – we’ll start seeing these projects come to fruition.

Alexander Blanton: Okay. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. That does conclude our question-and-answer session for today. And with that, that concludes our teleconference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation, and enjoy the rest of your day.

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