Editor’s Note: Related tickers: Credit: Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)
Apple’s Market Share is ‘Under Attack’ (Benzinga)
The iPhone maker has remained silent about the ongoing rumors surrounding the firm’s 2013 lineup. Meanwhile, Samsung, HTC and other competitors are gradually stocking their portfolios with dozens of competitive products. Many analysts have expressed concerns about Apple’s future, particularly when the company failed to meet their lofty expectations. Analysts are not the only ones who doubt Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), however. Investors do as well. “It just looks like the wheels are falling off [at] Apple,” Bob Auer, the Senior Portfolio Manager of SBAuer Funds, LLC, told Benzinga.
Earlier this afternoon, Research in Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) was the subject of our coverage of an unconfirmed report via StockHouse.com, that “The Chinese Bureau of Economic and Cultural Development has signed an intent to purchase 2 million Blackberry Q10 handsets according to filials with FYD Enterprises in Macau.”
Equally as important, the report said that “a source close to the company says the Q10’s will be distributed to the Faculties of Mobile Hacking and Cyber Warfare.”
China gets Apple’s ‘iKowtow’ (The Japan Times)
Leading computer maker Apple has just had to produce a new product specially for the China market — the iKowtow. Tim Cook, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s chief executive, responded to weeks of remorseless and concerted criticism in the official Chinese media with a groveling apology. China attacked Apple for allegedly being “dishonest,” “greedy,” “incomparably arrogant,” as well as for having poor service and an anti-Chinese bias.
Credit: Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY)
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Begins Big Ad Blitz To Tout Its New Android “Home” (AllThingsD)
The company is taking the Airplane spot it showed at Thursday’s launch event and airing it as a TV commercial, starting with today’s Final Four men’s college basketball games on CBS. Additional spots — all produced by ad firm Wieden + Kennedy, will come in the coming weeks, Facebook said.
ITC judge says Samsung infringes key part of Apple patent (Reuters)
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd infringed a key portion of an Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) patent by including a text-selection feature in its smartphones and tablets, an International Trade Commission judge said in a preliminary decision. South Korean-based Samsung did not infringe portions of a second Apple patent that allows a device to detect if a microphone or other device is plugged into its microphone jack, the judge said in a decision that was issued on March 26 but kept confidential until late Thursday to allow the companies to redact sensitive business information.
Chat Multi-Tasking Is How Facebook Home Could Rattle Apple And Google (TechCrunch)
Single-tasking has been a hallmark of mobile. But Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Home lets you chat in an overlaid drop-down window as you use Google, Yelp, Maps or any other app, bringing the productivity of the desktop to the small screen. Home’s cover feed and responsive design are nice, but you could call them mediocre. Chat multi-tasking, though, merges the communication and computing sides of the smartphone.
Judge Gives Green Light To Claims That Apple And Google Agreed To Suppress Salaries (Business Insider)
A judge on Friday cited strengths of a suit charging Silicon Valley giants with secretly agreeing not to “poach” each other’s workers but shot down a request for broad class action status. US District Court Judge Lucy Koh reasoned that plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Google, Intel, Intuit, Adobe, Lucasfilm and Pixar had evidence of antitrust violations but sought to represent too broad a collection of workers.
BlackBerry 10 now offers more than 100,000 applications to customers (Yahoo! News)
Developers continue to support BlackBerry 10, bringing more than 30,000 new applications to the platform over the past seven weeks. In line with this, (Research in Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY)) BlackBerry announced that BlackBerry 10 customers now have access to more than 100,000 applications for the BlackBerry Z10 smartphone on the BlackBerry World storefront. Currently, Amazon Kindle, OpenTable and The Wall Street Journal are available to BlackBerry 10 customers and in the coming weeks…