In this article, we will be looking at the 20 English speaking countries by population except US and UK.
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November 30 - Business, Economy, Lists, News
In this article, we will take a look at the 5 worst governed countries in the world.
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November 29 - Business, Economy, Lists
In this article, we will be analyzing the age structures globally while covering the 30 countries with the lowest median age in the world.
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November 28 - Business, Economy, Lists, News
In this article, we will be taking a look at the 30 poorest countries in the world.
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November 24 - Business, Earnings Report, Economy, Industries, Lists, News
In this article, we shall discuss 10 countries with the highest deforestation rates in the world.
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November 22 - News
In this article, we will be studying the English language’s dominance across the world while covering the 20 richest countries that mainly speak English.
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November 21 - Business, Lists, News
In this article, we will take a look at the 25 countries with the highest percentage of females.
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November 20 - Business, Economy, Lists, News
According to the United Nations, the rule of law and human rights are the two sides of the same principle: The freedom to live in dignity.
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November 19 - Lists, News
This article will list countries with low electricity costs and discuss their power grids.
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November 18 - Lists, News
Africa is undoubtedly home to some of the most handsome men on the planet. African men are known for their muscular physique and strong demeanor.
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November 13 - Lists, News
In this article, we’ll discuss the leading diamond producing countries and the global dynamics of gem-quality diamond mining.
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November 9 - Lists, News
When some people think about Africa, their thoughts often gravitate toward themes of conflict, crime, disease, corruption, poverty, and the label, dark continent.
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October 31 - Lists, News
African women possess qualities that can make you feel cherished and respected in every aspect.
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October 31 - Lists, News
There are many definitions of barbarism, but all of them have one thing in common: cruel and violent behavior.
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October 31 - Lists, News
According to Cornell Law School, crime is a behavior that is punishable as a public offense. Experts group crime into five categories.
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October 30 - Lists, News
In this insightful article, we will list the top developing landlocked countries and explain the trade bottlenecks they face because of geographic challenges.
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October 5 - Lists, News
Racist behavior and systemic racism have severe social and economic repercussions.
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September 28 - Lists, News
In this article, we look at 15 countries where Pepsi or Coca-Cola is not sold.
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September 18 - Lists, News
In this article, we will talk about the 25 countries with the worst economies in the world in 2023.
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August 31 - Economy, Lists, News
In this article, we will discuss the 20 richest countries in Africa ranked by net worth.
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August 16 - Lists, News
In this article, we take a look at the top 20 countries most affected by global warming.
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August 16 - Lists, News
In this article, we will list the top recipients of US foreign assistance and discuss how foreign aid impacts economies.
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August 14 - Lists, News
This article will discuss countries with the highest hunger rates to show the levels of global food insecurity.
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August 12 - Lists, News
In this article, we will be taking a look at the 20 countries with the highest rate of AIDS.
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July 27 - Lists, News
In this detailed article, we will discuss countries that are hit with the worst poverty rates in the world and try to understand what makes their economic situation so frail...
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July 25 - Lists, News
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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July 20 - Lists, News
While the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees every person's freedom to believe in whatever he wishes, with which nobody, including the state, may interfere, the ...
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July 17 - Lists, News
In this in-depth article, we'll research the top 20 largest cobalt producing countries to see where is cobalt found in the world and which nations own the biggest chunk of the...
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June 8 - Lists, News
In this article, we will take a look at 12 fastest growing economies in Africa.
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November 20 - Economy, Lists, News
In this article, we will discuss the 20 youngest countries in the world.
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September 6 - Lists, News
In this article, we will take a look at the top 25 suicidal countries in the world.
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September 2 - Lists, News
In this article, we discuss the 25 most corrupt countries in the world.
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August 26 - Lists, News
In this article, we discuss the 5 most miserable countries in the world.
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August 16 - News
The world is a beautiful place, especially where nature has been left untouched to build its own empire.
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November 23 - Lists
In our quest to find the 10 easiest and hardest countries to conquer we have come across many surprising names.
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November 18 - Lists
Say, you’ve been dreaming of going on a safari in the Serengeti to see the lions, or to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and see the wide African plains below.
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November 5 - Lists
Africa is generally not considered a continent full of technologically strong countries and for the most part of it it isn’t, except for these 11 most technologically advanced...
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June 29 - Lists
You will be quite taken with all of the best places to see in Zimbabwe before you die, it’s pretty much guaranteed.
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June 23 - Lists
Sometimes lists like 11 countries with the highest rates of child abuse in the World expose the real face of the world that we live in. It is not pretty at all.
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June 17 - Lists
Whether supplying the primary rotational force applied to our world or the ladies’ best friends, the top 11 diamond producing countries in the world are the main suppliers of...
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June 11 - Lists
HIV/AIDS is a fairly new discovery for the modern world, even in the 11 countries with the highest HIV rates in the world.
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June 2 - Lists
When it comes to posts like 11 countries with the highest tuberculosis rates in the world, we often fail to understand that with such great advancements in technology and medicine...
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June 1 - Lists
Let’s explore the places with a lack of opportunity in this list of the 11 countries with the highest unemployment rates in the world.
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June 1 - Lists
Unfortunately, our world does not give a pretty picture when we talk about 11 countries with the highest rates of Malaria in the World but it is better to face the reality rather...
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May 28 - Lists
Let’s move from country to country in search for the 11 countries with the highest migration rates. Migration has started to become more and more common in today’s age.
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May 28 - Lists
When we talk about the 10 unhealthiest countries in the world we can’t ignore the fact that our world has shown great advancement in health and medicine, especially in the last...
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May 18 - Lists
Today we are making a list of the 11 fastest growing countries in the world by population, and that means correcting a few common assumptions.
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May 4 - Lists
Would you like to know more about the poorest countries in the world? Most readers probably aren’t even aware of which nations actually make up this list, while others might...
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October 28 - Lists