In this article, we take a look at the 25 most capitalist nations in the world.
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December 1 - Lists, News
In this article, we take a look at 5 biggest militaries in the world.
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November 29 - News
In this article, we will discuss the 15 countries that produce the most alcohol.
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October 31 - Lists, News
In this article, we will list down the 25 most powerful countries in the world.
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September 4 - Lists, News
What are the most diverse countries in the world? All 7.8 billion people on the planet make this world diverse.
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September 4 - Lists, News
In this article, we identify and discuss the 25 most visited countries in the world.
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August 28 - Lists, News
As per the HDI report 2020, data from almost 189 nations was put together to rank 25 countries from most developed to least developed nations.
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January 7 - Lists, News
In this article, we discuss the 25 happiest countries in the world.
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September 7 - Lists, News
In this article we will take a look at the 20 best countries to invest in real estate in 2021.
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July 1 - Lists, News
In this article we will take a look at the 17 safest European countries for solo female travelers.
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June 22 - Lists, News
In this article, we take a look at the top 10 vaccine companies in the world.
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May 27 - Lists, News
Here’s a fun fact: most of the 10 countries that owe the U.S. the most money also own a lot of U.S. debt.
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February 13 - Lists, News
Book publishing of today has gone a long way from its first traces in stone tablets.
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April 19 - Lists
In our quest to find the 10 easiest and hardest countries to conquer we have come across many surprising names.
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November 18 - Lists
Exploring the space is an age-old dream that has only become possible in the past century.
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November 16 - Lists
Scientific advancements have made a huge impact in our society today and it's worth exploring how the 10 Most Advanced Countries in Science are contributing to this progress.
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November 13 - Lists
The history behind 15 largest economies in the world by 2015 PPP and how each one of them became a part of that exclusive club is quite interesting.
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November 12 - Lists
Did you ever wonder which are the 11 Countries That Won the Most Nobel Prizes? If the answer is yes, you came to the right place.
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October 28 - Lists
Information technology runs the world and probably the better part of your life right now.
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October 18 - Lists
Do you want to know which the most expensive countries to buy an iPhone are? If you are planning to buy a new iPhone, you should avoid these countries.
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October 14 - Lists
A new twist to red state / blue state - let's go international. What are the countries with the highest atheist population? Atheists are people who don’t believe in God.
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October 11 - Lists
What are the highest paying countries for petroleum engineers? If you are planning to start a career as a petroleum engineer, you should decide where you want to work.
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October 9 - Lists
Calling all lovers of gastronomy across Europe: we have put together the ultimate mouth-watering, hunger-generating list of the 10 best food countries across Europe, for you to...
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October 5 - Lists
Are Internet users looking for a place to rest on vacation when they search for the most googled countries? Or maybe it's an interest motivated by news that makes the Americans...
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October 5 - Lists
Countries should be careful when treading with these 11 European countries with the highest military strength.
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September 6 - Lists
College education is considered vital for a stable professional career, so we have for you the list of 12 Countries with the highest percentage of college graduates.
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August 27 - Lists
If you think you have it bad with the gas prices on the ever increase, the list of the most expensive countries to buy and own a car in might just make you think otherwise.
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August 25 - Lists
The literacy and educational attainment of these 10 countries with the highest high school graduation rates are among the best.
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August 24 - Lists
Find out which nations are the brainiest of all with our list of the countries with highest average IQ! A country’s workforce is one of its biggest assets, and intelligent citizens...
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July 30 - Lists
Smokers are definitely having more difficulty coping with the prices in these 10 most expensive countries to buy cigarettes in the world.
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July 24 - Lists
Drinking just got harder for these 10 most expensive countries to buy beer and alcohol in the world. For some, drinking and consuming alcohol has become a past time.
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July 23 - Lists
You better save up if you’re planning to study in the 10 most expensive countries for college in the world in 2015.
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July 23 - Lists
The 10 countries with the best education systems in the world are countries to take example from because to have a good educational system means that every generation’s workforce...
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July 16 - Lists
World economics today is more dynamic than ever and that greatly affects the richest countries in the world by GDP per capita ranking.
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July 14 - Lists
Osteoporosis has become a widespread problem for these 11 countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.
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July 7 - Lists
Testing for intelligence has always been a controversial subject in psychology.
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July 2 - Lists
Find out which countries are the best in science with the help of this list of 15 smartest countries in science.
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July 2 - Lists
Autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are really taking its toll on these 11 countries with the highest rates of autism in the world.
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July 1 - Lists
If you are planning to study abroad, we have valuable information for you - a list of 11 Most Expensive Countries for Foreign Students to help you make the right decision.
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June 30 - Lists
You can find a curious relation in these 11 countries with large atheist/agnostic population.
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June 29 - Lists
Europe, known as “the old continent” surely does not match the description in innovation as the 11 most technologically advanced countries in Europe will show you.
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June 29 - Lists
The 13 Most Indebted Countries in the World are all prime examples of the almost rudimental attribute that external debt has become for an economy.
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June 26 - Lists
Our list of 10 countries with the Biggest Gay Population in the World is likely to catch you by surprise as you’re going to find some of the most conservative countries in this...
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June 25 - Lists
If you are passionate about guns you would love to check out our list of 11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the World. There is a huge demand for weapons worldwide.
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June 22 - Lists
Sometimes lists like 11 countries with the highest rates of child abuse in the World expose the real face of the world that we live in. It is not pretty at all.
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June 17 - Lists
Being dark skinned in each of the 11 worst countries for black people to travel is surely going to affect your experience in a way you would think was left somewhere two centuries...
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June 13 - Lists, News
Chicken and chicken farms work overtime to satisfy these 11 countries that consume the most chicken in the world.
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June 11 - Lists
Education is considered the driving force behind any modern country’s advances - a fact that the 10 countries with the highest percentage of college graduates in the world will...
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June 8 - Lists
The 10 countries with the highest rates of infidelity in the world is a list of ten places where you can righteously be paranoid about your partner ploughing another field, as...
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June 5 - Lists
Cheaters take note - there are some places in the world where it's commonplace.
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June 3 - Lists