SAC Capital, founded by Steven Cohen, in its latest 13F, revealed an equity portfolio worth $17.22 billion as at the end of the fourth quarter of 2013, down from $18.48 billion...
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February 17 - Hedge Funds, News
After the end of each quarter hedge funds disclose their most important long stock positions at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
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December 12 - Hedge Funds, News
Stan Druckenmiller is a billionaire, and was the long-time manager of Duquesne Capital. Now, he oversees a family office, but his investing strategy is mostly the same.
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November 14 - Hedge Funds, News
It's easy to talk about peak oil in a theoretical sense and ignore the real changes that are already happening.
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September 23 - Commodities, News
Falling production volumes from existing oil wells, coupled with high oil prices, have increased the incentive for big oil companies to invest more in exploration during the past...
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September 18 - News
Indigenes of Bodo village in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria have rejected a settlement offer from Royal Dutch Shell plc (ADR) (NYSE:RDS.A), for the oil spillage that has left...
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September 16 - Commodities, News
Dividend investors would be wise to focus not just on a stock's current yield, but also on the long-term growth potential of its dividends.
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September 15 - Dividend Stocks, News
There are many ways to invest in the energy sector. You could buy shares of the companies that explore and extract oil and natural gas.
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September 12 - Commodities, News
California's Monterey shale is believed to hold 15 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.
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September 11 - Gold, News
In the summer of 2008, David Patterson, who took over as New York governor following the ouster of Elliot Spitzer, imposed a two-year moratorium on fracking within the state's...
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September 10 - News
The United States may be on the brink of war with Syria and, in the process, also irritating some of our trade allies, yet two-in-five stocks in the Motley Fool CAPS database ...
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September 6 - News
Investors love stocks that consistently beat the Street without getting ahead of their fundamentals and risking a meltdown.
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September 4 - News
The Dividend Aristocrats is a list of stocks that have increased their dividends annually for at least 25 years.
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September 3 - News
This year, oil and gas companies operating in the Marcellus and Utica Shale plan to hire at least 4,000 new employees.
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September 3 - News
There is no greater fear for an investor than to lose big money on an investment. This is why most investors sell first and ask questions later.
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August 27 - News
One of the big issues many have with fracking is the massive amount of fresh water required to frac each well.
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August 26 - News
Mexico has a problem. Its oil exports are falling, and the government needs to boost production.
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August 26 - Commodities, News
Several weeks after the end of each quarter, hedge funds and other major investors file 13Fs with the SEC to disclose many of their long equity positions as of the end of the ...
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August 26 - Hedge Funds
To many of your fellow readers, hedge funds are viewed as overrated, old investment tools of a period lost to current times.
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August 25 - News
When someone talks about "the new normal," we assume that it denotes a new permanence that will dictate things for the rest of time.
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August 25 - Commodities, News
Editor's Note: Related tickers: Cliffs Natural Resources Inc (NYSE:CLF), Micron Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:MU), Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL), Goldcorp Inc.
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August 23 - News
Now, according to many market players, hedge funds are viewed as delayed, old financial vehicles of a period lost to current times.
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August 22 - News
It's not easy being green, just ask Kermit the Frog. This certainly is the case for an oil company, which would seem to be polar opposite of a "green" company.
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August 21 - News
Schlumberger Limited. (NYSE:SLB) is one of the best, big oil and gas plays at the moment.
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August 21 - News
Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) has had a good 2013. If you're reading this chances are you know that. But any value-concious investor will always wonder about the multiples.
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August 21 - News
The price tag for American energy independence is well over $2 trillion. Energy companies just don't have that kind of money laying around.
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August 19 - News
It's been a rough year for oil and gas producers due to the cold and wet weather that has lingered longer than anticipated.
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August 16 - News
You may already be familiar with the story of Levi Strauss, the German immigrant who made his fortune during the gold rush -- not by striking gold, but by supplying the rough-...
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August 14 - News
The move to multi-well pad drilling has been saving oil and gas producers big bucks.
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August 12 - News
The hydraulic fracturing industry in the U.S. is booming. Roughly 90% of all U.S.
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August 7 - News
For two quarters in a row National-Oilwell Varco, Inc. (NYSE:NOV) has reported a decline in earnings coupled with an increase in revenue.
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August 6 - News
China has spent billions of dollars in the U.S. to snap up joint venture deals with the pioneers of the shale gas revolution.
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August 5 - News
The combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has unlocked more oil and gas than ever dreamed.
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August 5 - News
Schlumberger Limited. (NYSE:SLB), the largest publicly traded U.S.
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August 5 - News
Weatherford International Ltd (NYSE:WFT) investors have endured quite the storm over the past year.
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August 2 - News
Demand for oil and gas services and products depends primarily upon the level of activity in the oil and gas industry worldwide.
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August 2 - News
In the midst of global concerns for future energy, the abundance of shale oil and gas reserves has been a revelation. The U.S.
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August 1 - News
Nuverra Environmental Solutions Inc (NYSE:NES) decided it was best not to wait until its scheduled earnings release on Aug. 8 to deliver the bad news.
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July 31 - News
The past 12 months have been quite turbulent for oil-field service and equipment provider Weatherford International Ltd (NYSE:WFT).
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July 31 - News
Along with announcing earnings, both Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL) and Schlumberger Limited. (NYSE:SLB) announced multi-billion-dollar stock buybacks.
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July 30 - News
Investors love stocks that consistently beat the Street without getting ahead of their fundamentals and risking a meltdown.
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July 29 - News
It's been a busy week for Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL). And at the end, the second largest oil services company seems to have come out trumps.
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July 29 - News
Oil services companies have gotten good at hydraulic fracturing, perhaps too good at it. According to , fracs per day have increased by 50% in the Haynesville Shale.
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July 29 - News
Historically, the energy service industry has been dominated by two companies: Schlumberger Limited. (NYSE:SLB) and Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL).
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July 29 - News
Monday morning was quiet on the earnings front, but there were still several big-name companies to report quarterly results.
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July 29 - News
While the New York state legislature still considers extending the statewide moratorium on fracking for another two years, I think it's time for the state to lift the ban.
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July 29 - News
Baker Hughes Incorporated (NYSE:BHI) and Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL), two of the three biggest companies involved in providing services for hydraulic fracturing, announced ...
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July 28 - News
All too often in our 24-hour news-cycle society, it's easy to miss important news because it's being drowned out by the noise of the next headline.
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July 27 - News
Expedia Inc (NASDAQ:EXPE) – Shares in online travel company, Expedia Inc (NASDAQ:EXPE), are getting pummeled today, down as much as 27% during morning trading to a new 52-week...
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July 26 - News
But looking more deeply into, Inc.
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July 26 - News