Wind and solar power are great, but they don't generate electricity all the time. That's why natural gas, coal, and nuclear power are still the basis of most electric systems.
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August 5 - News
Earnings announcements aside, utilities have been busy this week.
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August 5 - News
American Electric Power Company Inc (NYSE:AEP) reported earnings last week, the first of the big utilities (read "dividend stocks") to run its Q2 numbers.
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July 29 - News
For many years, utility stocks have been considered solid and reliable investments. Customer electricity demand grows, and utilities benefit while investors feel excited.
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July 29 - News
Utilities are your classic slow-and-steady stocks.
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July 18 - News
Utilities have been busy this week, making moves to maximize profit potential.
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July 15 - News
For the second year running, Texas is short of electric capacity for projected peak demand periods, according to The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIP).
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July 11 - News
Millennium Management fund is a global hedge fund with assets of around $18.17 billion under management as of May 31, 2013.
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July 8 - Hedge Funds
In the eyes of President Obama, there's little doubt about it: Climate change is happening and we have a moral obligation to stop it.
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July 5 - News
The new climate change plan from Obama’s administration is expected to shift the competitive landscape of energy production in the United States.
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July 3 - News
If you ever wondered whether clean coal really is possible, the answer is yes, thanks to technological advancements.
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July 2 - News
In the recent low-yield environment, utility stocks have remained popular among the income seeking investors due to their attractive dividend yields.
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July 1 - News
Several of the largest U.S. utility companies are moving into the solar power business.
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June 28 - News
Duke Energy Corp (NYSE:DUK) stoked its energy fires last week with the grand opening of a new "clean coal" power plant.
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June 17 - News
The largest electric power holding company in the United States, Duke Energy Corp (NYSE:DUK), has only risen 4.91% YTD, a far cry from the 15.34% return provided by the Dow ...
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June 17 - News
It's not exactly the Tony Awards, but the winners of the 2013 Edison Electrical Institute awards have been announced, marking another year of leadership, innovation, and progress...
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June 14 - News
Keep your lights on and your fridge open if you know what's good for your investments. According to a recent report, electricity demand growth is dropping – fast.
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June 10 - News
In the 21st century investor’s toolkit, there are dozens of gauges investors can use to watch Mr. Market.
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June 10 - News
The Southern Company (NYSE:SO) was in 14 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of March. SO has experienced a decrease in hedge fund interest of late.
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June 6 - News
In today’s marketplace, there are a multitude of metrics investors can use to monitor their holdings.
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June 3 - News
“The recent merger of Exelon Corporation (NYSE:EXC) and Constellation Energy has made us the number one competitive energy provider, with one of the cleanest & lowest-cost power...
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May 30 - News
Big box retailers have a huge underutilized asset at each of their stores, their roof. As these companies look to lower operating costs, companies like Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
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May 23 - News
Regular readers of my work will be well aware of my affinity for dividends.
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May 20 - News
Utilities (and their dividends) have been busy this week, making moves to maximize profit potential.
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May 20 - News
A recent story about Duke Energy Corp (NYSE:DUK) indicates just how much of a factor random chance can play in investing.
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May 13 - News
If a company that pays a huge dividend slashes it, investors tend to panic.
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May 10 - News
It's been a year since Exelon Corporation (NYSE:EXC) merged with Constellation Energy to become the nation's largest competitive integrated energy provider.
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May 6 - News
Several utilities took the opportunity of Earth Day (Monday) to espouse environmental efforts.
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April 28 - News
There is no shortage of research that points to the fact that companies that pay a dividend outperform non-payers.
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April 26 - News
It was bound to happen: Natural gas prices are heading higher, and utilities that upped their investments over the last few years could be up the creek without a profitable paddle...
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April 17 - News
Electric utilities have never been the most exciting opportunities in the stock market, but lately, one stock in the group has been underperforming the stock market as a whole...
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April 15 - News
In a recent letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett wrote: "We will keep our foot to the floor and will almost certainly set still another record for capital expenditures in 2013...
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April 9 - Hedge Funds
At the moment, there are dozens of metrics market participants can use to analyze Mr. Market. A duo of the most useful are hedge fund and insider trading movement.
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April 3 - News
The Southern Company (NYSE:SO) was in 13 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of the fourth quarter of 2012.
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April 2 - News
To most traders, hedge funds are seen as slow, outdated financial vehicles of the past.
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March 28 - News
2012 wasn't the best year for utility shares, but Mario Gabelli, who manages Gabelli Utility Fund, has a positive long-term outlook for the sector.
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March 1 - Stock Analysis
When I was a kid growing up, I used to love playing Monopoly. But I never sought to own the utilities, because unlike the other properties you couldn’t build houses or hotels...
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March 1 - News
Utilities are the classic “widow-and-orphan” stocks—meaning they are slow and steady providers of dependable income.
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February 25 - News
Ameren Corp (NYSE:AEE) reported earnings this week, whiffing on revenue and underwhelming on earnings.
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February 23 - News
After releasing fourth-quarter and full year earnings for 2012 on Friday, American Electric Power Company, Inc. (NYSE:AEP) opened the short week with a bang.
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February 20 - News
Shares of Exelon Corporation (NYSE:EXC) have rallied during 2013 by nearly 6.8%. But the company's stock has yet to recover from its tumble by 29% during 2012.
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February 13 - News
Duke Energy Corp (NYSE:DUK) provides electric and gas services in three regions of the United States.
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February 8 - News