If you are curious about how prevalent the Latter Day Saint Movement is in the world then you have come to the right page as we've rounded up the 11 countries with the highest...
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October 5 - Lists
Which are the most popular beers In the world? Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink, and the third one overall.
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October 4 - Lists
What are the countries where gay marriage is legal? The world is continuously evolving and while there were no countries allowing gay marriages just a few decades ago, there are...
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September 23 - Lists
If you're ready to move out of your apartment, start a new life elsewhere, you might want to look out for the easiest countries to immigrate to.
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August 31 - Lists
Agriculture is where it all started and where it keeps on giving for these 10 most advanced countries in agriculture.
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August 28 - Lists
If you think you have it bad with the gas prices on the ever increase, the list of the most expensive countries to buy and own a car in might just make you think otherwise.
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August 25 - Lists
Some of the names mentioned in the list might not have the strongest militaries but these 11 countries with highest foreign reserves have a definite edge when it comes to economics...
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August 25 - Lists
Ever since Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid fled the United States and started their wild run across Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, the myth of doing one final job and settling in...
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August 20 - Lists
We have for you today the most stunning places to see in Brazil before you die.
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July 20 - Lists
Osteoporosis has become a widespread problem for these 11 countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.
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July 7 - Lists
Autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are really taking its toll on these 11 countries with the highest rates of autism in the world.
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July 1 - Lists
Want to know about the 11 Biggest Gold Producing Countries in the World? Look no further. This article contains all the information you need.
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June 22 - Lists
We look at the nations that can’t live without rice in this list of the 11 countries that consume the most rice.
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June 15 - Lists
For some, slavery might be a thing they only see in the history books they had at school but for the people in the 11 countries with the highest rates of human trafficking, slavery...
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June 13 - Lists
We are taking a look at the countries with the highest rates of eating disorders today. Eating disorders are essentially psychological illnesses attributable to abnormal eating...
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June 12 - Lists
Whether supplying the primary rotational force applied to our world or the ladies’ best friends, the top 11 diamond producing countries in the world are the main suppliers of...
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June 11 - Lists
11 countries with most hackers and cyber criminals lose billions of dollars every year through online criminal activities.
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June 6 - Lists
In 11 countries with the highest rates of identity theft in the world, this crime has become rampant.
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June 6 - Lists
It is surprising that these 11 countries with the highest rates of orphans in the world have all got a similar type of controllable problems and yet these nations continue to ...
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June 4 - Lists
You don’t really get a choice for what you’re born with - something the people from the countries with the most plastic surgeries in the World often circumvent.
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June 4 - Lists
We are definitely in need of more awareness around depression and that is why we are discussing the countries with the highest depression rates in the world today.
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June 2 - Lists
We rank the addicted in this list of the 11 most drug addicted countries in the world. Drugs have been a major problem for countries for a very long time.
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June 1 - Lists
In this post, we will take a look at the 11 countries with most Facebook users. The world that we live in is now a world of social media, and Facebook tops them all.
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June 1 - Lists
Many of us might not have even heard of leprosy before, so let's tell you a little about the disease before starting with our 11 countries with the highest rates of leprosy in...
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May 28 - Lists
Take a break and check out this list of the 11 countries with the best vacation time in the world.
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May 28 - Lists
The least racist countries in the world are setting a good example for the world to follow.
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May 27 - Lists
Yogurt being a very healthy type of food is a fact that is acknowledged in all the 11 countries that consume the most yogurt.
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May 26 - Lists
Going under the knife is becoming more common these days, but it seems likely that the countries with the highest plastic surgery rates in the world have adopted the trend a little...
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May 26 - Lists
We build our knowledge and awareness with this list of the 11 countries with the most dangerous animals. Each country has its own unique environment and location in the world.
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May 25 - Lists
What are the most dangerous airports in the world? When we are flying from one place to another we hope for three things. First, our trip not to be cancelled or delayed.
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May 22 - Lists
Are you eager to find out which countries with the lowest cost of living in South America are nice to live in? If you are considering moving to a new city or new country in South...
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May 21 - Lists
Being a billionaire may be everybody’s dream but for the people on this list of the 11 countries with the most billionaires in the world it has become plain everyday life.
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May 20 - Lists
Opposed to the world’s largest oil producer, we rarely hear about 11 countries that consume the most oil in the world.
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May 18 - Lists
When someone asks what are the 10 richest countries in the world by 2015 GDP in a conversation, you can be sure no one will have an answer for that.
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May 2 - Lists
Roaming around the world and experiencing diverse cultures is a great way to spend your vacation time, or even years of your life pursuing, but travel brings with it the risk ...
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January 14 - Lists
Curious about some of the cities with the worst drivers in the world? We have all been stuck in traffic jams, and we usually complain about traffic in our cities, and the lousiness...
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December 15 - Lists
Have you ever wondered which are the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world? Although nowadays, the global tendency is to slowly start switching to renewable sources...
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December 15 - Lists
Unlike some of their contemporary counterparts, the ten most important South American leaders in history are praised for their significant contributions to the development of...
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December 10 - Lists
If you are looking to move, then knowing which are the best countries to work in the world could greatly help you to make the right decision.
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November 22 - Lists
Would you like to know which countries boast the most advanced armies in South America? If you follow international news regularly or at least have some general knowledge of contemporary...
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November 20 - Lists
If you just woke up and need something to get you going in the morning, then a sip of some of the most expensive coffee in the world may be just the jolt you need. Great is ...
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November 5 - Lists
Want to know which are the largest diamonds ever discovered? White, yellow, pink, brown, blue, red, green… diamonds come in many colors, shapes, and carats, but all are equally...
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November 5 - Lists
Wondering which are the ten most gay friendly countries in the world? Societies the world over have made great progress in instituting gay-friendly policies and giving them the...
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November 4 - Lists
Have you ever wondered which countries are the most beautiful countries in the world, or have the most beautiful locations you could ever dream of visiting? We all have our secret...
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November 4 - Lists
Without a doubt, we all have wondered which are the most sexually active countries in the world, and maybe even fantasized about moving to such uninhibited locales.
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November 2 - Lists
Wondering which are the most religious countries in the world? Different religions around the world have always lived together; sometimes peacefully, sometimes not quite so peacefully...
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October 29 - Lists
Do you ever wonder about which are the countries with the highest population in the world? Population rates tend to increase globally at a steady rate.
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October 28 - Lists
What are the countries with cheapest medical care? Whether you're planning on relocating, considering traveling for the purposes of medical tourism, or are just curious, you might...
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October 11 - Lists
Top 15 Places To Visit Before You Die: Our world is vast and diverse, and deserves to be explored from head to toe.
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October 2 - Lists
What are the best cities to visit in South America? I lived in South America for more than two decades, and have had the privilege –and luck- of being able to travel all around...
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September 26 - Lists