Suncor Energy Inc. (NYSE:SU) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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So there’s not a cost. There’s a benefit that comes with this. And I would say, I’ll shut up and let my 3 experts talk about it. But a real test always in the operational world is as you’re asking the operations to do something different? Are you pushing it on them or are they pulling it to them? And by the way we put this together with fundamental first level individuals involve site leadership, there is a pull, a draw. They are seeing how the new system can make their life clearer, simpler, better, safer, more efficient, more productive, That, to me, usually is the biggest indication of are we doing the right thing? Are the operations calling for it? Maybe Shelley, if you have any other comments you’ve been driving this train?

Shelley Powell: Yes, for sure. We’re really excited about this. I would say at the heart of it is really the fundamental shift in defining how work happens at each site. I think Rich mentioned we had kind of been leaving it up independently to each site to figure out how to do a — This change is really about implementing standardized processes across all of our sites so that we really get repeatability within one site. We get consistency across multiple sites, really driving to predictable outcomes at the end of this. So this is about — I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase that a rising tide lifts all boats. This is about OEMS being that tide lifting all of our sites so that we have predictable outcomes at the end of this.

Richard Kruger: And just one more plug for Shelley and her team. Before we launched off, we didn’t just cook this here in this tower in Calgary, they went and did a comprehensive assessment of industry best practices. Who’s the best at this. And we didn’t copy and paste any one. We took what we thought were the best attributes of components across the industry, not just oil and gas but manufacturing to safely manage cost, reliability, risk, et cetera. And so we’ve created a one of a kind here, but it’s based on the best of what we’ve seen across the globe. I think the way they’ve done this, I’ve been a part of a lot of these things over 40 years, might hats off to the way this team developed what I think is going to be a game changer for this company for a long time.

Operator: I’m showing no further questions in the queue at this time. I would like to turn the call back over to Mr. Troy Little for any closing remarks.

Troy Little: Thank you, everyone, for joining our call this morning. If you have any follow-up questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Operator: This concludes today’s program. Thank you all for participating. You may now disconnect.

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