Sprinklr, Inc. (NYSE:CXM) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Michael Berg: Hi, you got Michael Berg on for Michael Turrin. Congrats on the quarter. I just had a quick one on the consolidation theme. It’s something we hear about a lot in this macro environment as CFOs and decision makers look to consolidate their spend on certain vendors. Would you anything to point to in your customer conversations or just general activity if you’re seeing increasing amount of consolidation that’s been in subsequently seeing meaningful benefit to Sprinklr adoption? Thank you.

Ragy Thomas: Massively. In fact, we €“ that’s been a part of our strategy and that is why Sprinklr is growing in existing customer implementations and installs. An average customer of average good implementation for Sprinklr typically consolidates somewhere between five and some cases, 30, 40 different point solutions in every product suite. And what people don’t realize is in the kind of stuff we do, we’re literally rolling out 50, 70 sometimes a 100 market implementation. In every market, they’ve got a point solution that sometimes nobody else knew about. So this consolidation theme is becoming a huge deal and it makes so much sense, right? A marketer or CMO or CIO, it should not be in the systems integration business. It should be in the €“ run the business.

And that’s where it comes in hand. And we are evidently becoming the third or fourth platform. So the other obvious ones that you can think of in the front office and we are becoming the de facto third or fourth. And we’re heavily investing in integrations with the other three and expanding and making it super easy to even integrate with code that they may have written themselves.

Michael Berg: Great. Thank you. That’s it for me.

Operator: Thank you. We’ve reached end ofour question-and-answer session. I’d like to turn the floor back over to management for any further or closing comments.

Ragy Thomas: Well, thank you Kevin, and thank you all for joining us today. I’d like to thank first our employees and then our partners, and most importantly, our customers for their trust and continued business. We look forward to updating you all again as we continue on this exciting journey of creating a new category that we call unified customer expedience management. Thank you very much and have a good evening.

Operator: Thank you. That does conclude today’s teleconference and webcast. You may disconnect your line at this time and have a wonderful day. We thank you for your participation today.

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