Snap Inc. (NYSE:SNAP) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Derek Andersen: And just to pick up the second part of that on the DAU forecast that we shared for Q4, which is 410 million to 412 million, first, just for context, year-over-year growth right there is about 35 million to 37 million DAU year-over-year. So, still seeing really significant year-over-year growth. I think you’ve got to look at this a little bit market by market. In North America, in particular, as an example, and some of our other more mature markets, we’re reaching really high percentages of 13- to 34-year-olds in over 25 countries. And that would include, of course, North America and many Western European countries. So, we’re already at a very, very high penetration there. North America, for example, over 100 million DAU.

And I think the latest number we shared on that was 150 million. So, the reach there is really, really deep. Our focus and much of the growth in the DAU number in total recently has been coming from the rest of world region. That’s been the biggest driver of growth. We had a very good quarter in the prior year as a comp there and so you’re seeing that a little bit impacted in the year-over-year rate there. But otherwise, continuing to see substantial year-over-year growth, that internal forecast range again implying 35 million to 37 million additional DAU on a year-over-year basis. So, hopefully that provides a little color.

Operator: Thank you. The next question is from Brian Nowak with Morgan Stanley.

Brian Nowak: Thanks for taking my questions. I have two. The first one, a little housekeeping. Derek, can you help us out just a little bit, sort of, with the amount of subscription revenue in 3Q? And then, what are you assuming on subscription revenue contribution in your fourth quarter guide at the midpoint of one of the areas? Then, the second one, it sounds like you’re starting to make some progress on the performance strategy. Can you give us a few more tangible examples of categories or verticals where you’ve made the most progress? And how you think about the next category to really sort of improve the performance for advertisers. Thanks.

Derek Andersen: Sure. Hey, I’ll take the first part of that there. In terms of the breakdown on how we’re doing on Snapchat+, I think first, we’re really excited about what we’re seeing there. That’s a product that is not very old since we launched it. We reached more than 5 million subscribers in the period. So, we’ve had really nice momentum there. I think if you go back to the Investor Day at the beginning of the year, I think we shared then that we were running about close to $100 million annualized run rate then. You’ve seen the subscription number grow about 60% then. So, it’ll give you some sort of a ballpark of where we’re trending to in the most recent quarter on progress with that product. So certainly becoming a much more meaningful contributor.

And we shared in the letter that it grew at a rate of more than 250% in the most recent quarter. So, I’m really pleased with what we’re seeing there in terms of uptake and what that’s contributing to the business, both from a top-line and margin perspective. Yeah, we don’t have, obviously, we’re going to break down our forward look for Q4 between different types of revenue, but we would expect to continue some momentum on the subscription business in the Q4, just as we would on the advertising business as well. So hopefully that gives you a little bit of an idea. I’ll talk a little bit about where we’re seeing some strength with advertisers, and then if Evan wants to chime in with more detail on where we expect to go from here. Really what we’re seeing is we’ve been focusing very heavily on getting our go-to-market efforts and where we’re seeing success in the progress of the ad platform really well aligned.