SilverBow Resources, Inc. (NYSE:SBOW) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

I think, as we dig in, and really start to really put our focus on the asset and grow volumes, there may be opportunities to revisit contracts that improve the efficiency of the asset. So it’s definitely something that’s on our radar, and we’ll see if there’s opportunities to address something there in the future.

Tim Rezvan: Okay. Thanks. We’ll stay on that. And then, I thought was interesting, Sean, on your closing comments, you talked about M&A as a central theme for the sector. So if I could redirect that to you, is M&A still, like how high your radar screen is that as you get to the finish line with Chesapeake, and then given that you put a one times leverage target at the end of the year in 2024. If we think about future M&A, and you’ve been active, how sort of fungible is that target, if you find the right deal? Sean, understand that as you balance deleveraging versus growth?

Sean Woolverton: Yes. Obviously, we’ve been very successful on doing transactions. And I think we are very efficient at integrating them into the business once we identify them and close them. But we’ll continue to use our criteria that we have all along right first, it has to be — makes a lot of industrial sense, in or around our existing asset base brings inventory in that competes for capital. And to your point, most importantly, it’s an accretive transaction from all the share metrics as well as it doesn’t put any stress on the balance sheet. So we’ll continue to look for all those. For now our focus is on getting the Chesapeake transaction closed and integrated. But our BD team is always looking at other opportunities. And we’ll be very thoughtful on any other future transactions that we do.

Operator: Okay. Thank you. And our next question comes from Charles Meade with Johnson Rice. Charles, go ahead.

Charles Meade: Sean, I recognized you don’t have the Chesapeake assets yet. But I really appreciate that you share with us on Slide 15, the well results that I guess Chesapeake has shared with you. And so, I wondered if you could talk about how these wells can come in with your — what you expected or what you underwrote on the acquisition and maybe in particular, it looks like that Faith Sandy pad looks the most attractive to me not just because of the overall BOE rate but also the 70% oil cut, does it look that way to you?

Sean Woolverton: Yes, kind of big picture. When we announced the deal, we discussed that, the asset was going to see a ramping up production, from 2Q and into 3Q as many new wells were brought online. I think Chesapeake recently announced in their call that the asset was doing — did 32,000 BOE a day for the third quarter, and that was right in line with what we felt like it was going to do. So overall the asset is, performing up to what we had underwrote the deal for the third quarter. Now specific to the wells. We’ve been continuing to monitor the performance of the new wells brought online, would tell you that overall, the program is performing at what we expected it to, few wells performing above type curve, a few wells below but right in line overall.

In terms of your call out of the Faith property, those wells being all Eagle Ford wells, that’s a really good area and perform slightly above where we thought so encouraging to continue to see strong Eagle Ford wells in that part of the property.

Charles Meade: Got it. And then my second question is really about trying to get a sense of SilverBow standalone going into 1Q ’24. And I recognize you guys, you haven’t given ’24 guidance, and that’ll come. But I wonder if you can just help me kind of put some of the pieces on the table because it looks to me that particularly with you guys accelerating that that 4-well gas pad, and also the 3-well oily pad into 4Q. It looks to me, like you’re setting up for actually a big step up in organic growth in 1Q ’24. So I guess maybe the context, Steve, you mentioned that you brought nine wells online, you said nine wells to sales in Q3, can you tell us what you think that number will be for Q4? Does it also look to you like you’re going to have a big step up organically for 1Q ’24?