Sight Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGHT) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

Alison Bauerlein: Yes. As we said in our last earnings call, we expected to see increased utilization to be the first improvement in the core metrics versus the account addition. So we do expect our active accounts to increase throughout 2024. That’s a key focus of us. But in these early stages of rebuilding post the LTV uncertainty period, we were focusing our reps on the highest value activities. And that includes focusing on accounts that we’re already ordering and getting those ordering patterns back up. So our long-term strategy is still the same. It’s a mix of increasing utilization of existing customers, reengagement with the lost customers and training new customers. So it’s kind of a mix. And when we look at going further into 2024, all three of those are contributors to our growth and getting back to double-digit growth. But in the first quarter, we were primarily focused on utilization and that was planned. That was what we intended to do.

James Beers: Great, thank you.

Operator: Thank you so much. One moment for our next question please. Our next question comes from the line of Joanne Wuensch with Citi. Your line is now open.

Unidentified Analyst: Hi, this is Felipe [ph] on for Joanne. Just quickly for accounts that you’re looking to reengage with from the LCD withdrawal period. I was just wondering, how are those conversations going? And I guess, what are your expectations for conversions? And maybe like what is your biggest hurdle for converting those accounts back to using OMNI again?

Matthew Link: Hi, this is Matt. I’ll take that one. Look, our engagements overall have been very positive. I think the market overall has seen recovery in MIGS procedures and volumes on the heels of the withdrawal, the LCD. There’s no real material limitation in terms of engaging those accounts and those engagements and conversations are ongoing. As Ali said, from the very beginning of the year, we anticipated the recovery coming in the form of increased utilization. Our sales force has done a phenomenal job, as I think was indicated and demonstrated in Q4 in the face of the LCDs to remain a high level of engagement with our core accounts. But there’s also a capacity consideration here. As we talked about in — the second half of last year, we didn’t materially reduce headcount.

We saw some modest headcount attrition that we did immediately moved to backfill. And in Q1, we spoke about how we would continue to build back into reinvestment within the sales organization. So we really think about that in terms of capacity more so than infrastructure. And so a lot of this is about building capacity. Sight Sciences is a growth company. We have been a growth company. And to some extent, that was interrupted, obviously, in the second half of last year with the uncertainty of the LCDs. And as we see the rate of recovery that’s been demonstrated in Q1, as well as we see in early Q2, that certainly gives us some measure of confidence to continue our investment. And that’s a key factor as we think about increasing not just utilization within active accounts, but new accounts and then new surgeon engagement through new surgeon training.

Unidentified Analyst: Thank you.

Operator: All right. Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Thomas Stephan with Stifel. Your line is now open.

Thomas Stephan: Great, hey guys. Thanks for the questions. Congrats on the nice quarter. I’ll start with competition. Maybe can you elaborate a bit on how, I guess mix competition is qualitatively factored into guidance and your long-term outlook as well. There’s obviously a lot of innovation happening in glaucoma. So I guess, wondering if you can just talk about how this is contemplated in both the near-term and the long-term view? And then I have a follow-up.

Alison Bauerlein: Yes, sure. I’ll take that and let others jump in to add their thoughts as well. Our overall approach to guidance was to be prudent here and put out a capable targets as we were coming out of the LCD uncertainty period. So we think we have set the right bar for the company, given those dynamics as well as the dynamics on the Dry Eye side of the business this year. In terms of what we see from competitive dynamics, we think the MIGS market is a healthy market right now. It is a growing market. There’s great innovation happening, and that brings more and more attention to doing stand-alone procedures, expanding the interventional mindset. All of that is great for us when we look at our products and the clinical efficacy profile that we provide, we think that, that will continue to help us and others in this industry continue to grow and shape the future of glaucoma patients.

So those are longer-term dynamics in terms of our guidance for 2024. It’s really focused on getting back the foundational work, the momentum back with our core accounts and reengaging with accounts. But we see the competitive dynamics to be favorable for OMNI’s success in the short term and the medium term and the long-term. So we are happy to see that. Anything you guys want to add? Okay.

Thomas Stephan: Great. That’s helpful. Thanks, Ali. And then maybe my follow-up would just be on utilization. Really encouraging to see the trends year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter. Ali, you talked about this a bit, but can you expand a little on sort of how those utilization trends look, I guess, across your surgeon base, how widespread or narrow are these recovery trends? Maybe has the sales force been able to move further into driving utilization in sort of those lower volume accounts? Any color there would be helpful.

Matthew Link: Yes, Tom, this is Matt. I’ll take that. Look, the good news is the trends in utilization we see are broadly across the organization. And I think the other thing really important to characterize is we talk about utilization. We sell through to a facility as the endpoint customer. But the RESTASIS, as you all are aware, there’s in many instances, multiple surgeons within those facilities. And so the increased utilization is coming as best we can tell also is a mix between higher utilization on a per surgeon basis, but also surgeons within the facility. And so for our comments earlier, we really think this is a healthy underlying dynamic within the business and gives us an opportunity to really drive volume and density within key markets and really start to leverage some efficiency across our sales force through the increased volumes.