Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ:SRTS) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

On the other hand, there are many dermatologists in that specific area that are not getting to those patients. They’re not getting those. So our sales force, obviously, gets that information as well and says — we’ve directed I don’t know how many patients in your area over the course of the last month, 2 months, 3 months that you’re not seeing. And so that becomes a good selling tool for a lot of our salespeople, and that’s going to continue to grow as we talk through this and as we continue to add to our CRM program, working with our sales and marketing force. So we’re going to continue to emphasize it. We’re going to continue to put more dollars into it and more time into it. We see where our patient advocacy group is going to grow from the existing person that we have now to several over the next year or so.

And so we’re excited about that, and I think more patients will continue to learn about SRT than ever before. Regarding hair removal, this is a very unique product because it offers a multitude of wavelengths, which we think is going — is very unique and because it applies to various skin colors. And so this is going to be exciting. Now the real introduction of this is going to be at the AAD, where more people will be exposed to it, and we’ll have several of the units on display and for demonstration during that period. So we’re excited for that. We have a certain number of units that we expect to sell during the course of 2023 that will add to our bottom line as well as our top line. So we’ll gain a lot of market in that area. And then also keep in mind that just a few weeks ago, we announced that we did hire a professional in the aesthetic world to help us take this market to another level.

And so all of those things are heading in the right direction, and of course, we feel that it’s going to add more revenue to the company.

Unidentified Analyst: Congratulations once again.

Operator: Our next question will come from Scott Henry with ROTH Capital.

Scott Henry: Congratulations, Joe. Really a tremendous 2022. So I had some specific questions. I recognize that you’re seeing growth on the top line in 2023 and growth on the bottom line. And I know expectations, there’s been some disconnect. So I wanted to flush something a little — a couple of specific questions with regards to the bottom line. When you say growth in 2023 on the bottom line, are you pulling out onetime events from 2022? Just trying to get a sense of what base you’re using for 2022.

Joseph Sardano: Scott, first of all, thanks for being on, and we’re very much looking forward to attending the ROTH Capital Conference in March in Southern California. It’s always a great event, and we’re excited to be there. The — we’re definitely taking out that one event, okay? So when we look at increase in the bottom line, it’s — every product that we’re bringing on board is going to add to that bottom line. Hopefully, it adds to our margin as well because we model everything along those margins. So yes, you’re absolutely right, we’re looking at — taking that one event out of that and still growing our bottom line.

Scott Henry: Okay. Great. And another thing, and this might be for Javier. And I look forward to seeing you as well, Joe. I want to throw that in. The accounting rules, when you make money consistently, at some point, you have to take — you have to book a tax gain for your deferred tax assets, and you start to calculate earnings on a fully tax basis going forward. I mean you’re starting to stack a lot of positive quarters together. Would you expect to report 2023 on a fully tax basis?