Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ:SRTS) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Michael Sardano: Lesions.

Joseph Sardano: Lesions. So it’s not actual treatment. So, times the number of treatments for those patients, 480,000 times an average of 15 gives you the number of treatments that are taking place. And again, those treatments without anesthesia because there is no pain, there is no cutting, no scarring, no bleeding and best of all, no scarring for the patients. So, that’s what we’re all excited about. I think that’s going great, and I think it will continue to grow.

Ben Haynor: I do appreciate the clarification there, because I actually took it as 400,000 fractions. So, would have been mistaken, I guess, there. And then, on the – getting to 1,000 systems, obviously, you’ve made a bigger push internationally starting to bear fruit. The next 300-ish systems, do you have a sense of how those will track in terms of the split, domestic versus international? Or any color that you might be able to share there?

Joseph Sardano: I think that the international market is represented at about 5% to 7% of our overall revenue. And quite frankly, I think the biggest market is still in the U.S. So, as we continue to grow, I think the biggest growth is still going to be in the U.S. and the international market in spite of growing and gaining more ground in different parts of the world. I still think it’s going to be between 5%, 7%, 8% of our overall revenue. It’s still going to come from the U.S.

Ben Haynor: Okay. Got it. And then, lastly for me on the Sentinel and the AI applications that you guys are building in. I apologize if I missed this, but what sort of functionality/improvements/applications, the AI that you’re developing and putting in these into Sentinel enable?

Joseph Sardano: Well, I think that we’ll have to wait until we make the final introduction, which we expect to do by AAD next March in San Diego. But when you include AI, it gives you some unbelievable opportunities for the operator, for the patient, for the physician, all of the above to benefit from that, and it provides us with total EMR capabilities, electronic medical records so that everything can be stored within the context of the product as well as billing and all the billing and collections and all of those. But I guess, if I had a dream, if I was to tell you what I think it’s going to be, if you look at the SIRI or any of these other things with some of the other programs, I could see us having a program where we can talk to the machine, and it will give us exactly what we’re looking for.

Ben Haynor: Okay. So stay tuned there, and it sounds like there’s some exciting developments.

Joseph Sardano: Yes. It will be fun.

Ben Haynor: Good deal. Well, that’s all I had gentlemen. Thanks for taking the questions and congrats on the sequential improvement.

Joseph Sardano: Thanks Ben. Appreciate it.

Michael Sardano: Thanks Ben.

Operator: This concludes our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the conference back over to management for any closing remarks.

Joseph Sardano: Okay. Thank you. Thanks, once again, for your time this afternoon and for your interest in Sensus Healthcare everybody. I’d like to mention that we’ll be presenting at the Dawson James Small Cap Growth Conference on Thursday, October 12 in Jupiter, Florida. Also in the coming weeks, we plan to hold a series of 1-on-1 virtual meetings. So, please contact LHA if you’d like to get on the schedule. We’ll speak with you again when we report third quarter financial results in early November. In the meantime, thank you all for joining us today. Thank you.

Operator: The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect.

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