Sensus Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ:SRTS) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

All of these things are being proposed to customers and they’re all evaluating those programs now. So I think that we’re going to see several of those contracts take effect between now and the end of the year, and I think it’s going to become popular.

Unidentified Analyst: Got it. Got it. I got one more. How have your relationships been with your largest customers in terms of their ordering patterns and demand? I know that first half of the year is difficult, but can you just further expand what you’re seeing from your dermatology practices?

Joseph Sardano: Yes. They’ve gone through the same thing that we’ve seen. I mean, it’s the same market conditions for them as it is for us. So, them being our best customer, I mean, it gives us opportunities to discuss together various opportunities to work closely together and how we can help drive the technology through the industry. And so that never ceases. I think that we’ve always said that we’ve got a great relationship there. They continue to push and try to grow their business. But they have the same problem as we did when we went through COVID. And now that we’ve gone through the first half of the year, I think they’re going to see a rejuvenation in their business in the second half just like we are.

Unidentified Analyst: Awesome. Awesome. All right.

Joseph Sardano: Let me bring one thing up to, which I think is important for everybody to understand, which I mentioned during the introduction. We’re experiencing – we did a survey with Medicare, Medicaid and found that there was a 27% compounded increase year-over-year for the last six years in treatments using SRT technology. That’s a huge increase. That is massive. I don’t want anybody to lose sight on the fact that more people are choosing to be treated with SRT versus any other option versus surgery. So, one of the numbers that we mentioned, 480,000 people treated in the last two years. If that’s going to continue to grow at 27% year-over-year, which we feel it’s going to be and maybe even accelerate from that, you can see where we’re going to become the gold standard for treating skin cancer in the very near future.

And so that’s important is that the utilization of it. And if you take the number of units that we have, we have now 708 systems worldwide with about 600, 590 of those being in the United States. 480, that’s – unless I say it’s an average of 240,000 patients a year. you can see how many patients each customer is treating every year, and then you can calculate how much or how quickly their ROI is on the equipment. So, it’s very easy to derive what kind of money they’re making now that we have these significant volumes of patients being treated.

Operator: Our next question comes from Ben Haynor with Alliance Global Partners. Please go ahead.

Ben Haynor: Good afternoon, gentlemen. Thanks for taking the questions. I definitely appreciate the big picture commentary and not having to follow Joe’s pun here. But just thinking about some of the things that you mentioned, the 480,000 treatments over the past couple of years, how many treatments per case or per patient does that factor in? And has that grown, shrunk? Is there any trend there?

Joseph Sardano: Well, what we’re seeing, Ben, and I appreciate you being on. What we’re seeing is between 14 and 16 fractions. So, I guess, you could say an average of 15 fractions per patient for the treatment of skin cancer. But when we were talking about the number of 480,000 – that’s 480,000 skin cancers that are being treated.