Sendas Distribuidora S.A. (NYSE:ASAI) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Belmiro Gomes: The company continues to work with deleveraging, and we’re continuing to search for ways to consider growth, and this is a positive expectation for 2024. So, I want to thank all of my team for the work that has been done throughout 2023. As I mentioned, I didn’t discuss all of the numbers here, but this is all because of the 450 million people that visited our stores and bought from us and also our daily efforts done by the major team we have that was able to build a company that tripled in size in the past three years with a growth of 28% and a company that always grew with its own cash generation. Ever since we switched the Assai model, we never received any investments from former controllers. The company has always generated strong deleveraging capacity, and now we consider that we’ll be able to deliver as we already invested in important differential, our value proposition, and what we have been working towards to keep this kind of differential on the market.

Thank you all so much.

Operator: The earnings call for the fourth quarter at Assai in 2023 is officially ended. The Investor Relations department is willing to answer any future questions that may exist. Please have a wonderful day, and thank you for participating.

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