Rush Street Interactive, Inc. (NYSE:RSI) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Jed Kelly: Great. And then just one quick follow-up. How much have October holds factored into your 4Q guidance?

Kyle Sauers: Sure. So certainly, we take the hold we know about today and the revenue generation that we have to date, but that’s going to fluctuate from week to week, as you can imagine. So it is factored in for sure. And we’ve got a range factors for the remainder of the November and December as well.

Operator: Our next question comes from Joe Stauff of Susquehanna. Joe, please go ahead.

Joe Stauff: Hi, Richard, Kyle. I had a couple of questions on user growth fees. And I’m just trying to understand kind of just the level of penetration, say, in some of your older markets, iCasino markets in particular, whether it be Pennsylvania and so forth. And how much more opportunity you think there is regarding user growth. I think you gave a stat on Slide 16, you said, miles were up 4% in iCasino markets year-over-year, but I was curious if I assume that’s both products. And if I exclude sports, wondering if your users were up kind of year-over-year, specifically for iCasino.

Kyle Sauers: Yes. So maybe I’ll take the first part and let Richard talk about the markets in general and growth opportunity in those more mature markets. But Richard said some of this, but we’ve definitely been focused on acquiring and retaining high-quality players. In total, as you mentioned, for U.S. and Canadian markets, miles were up 4% year-over-year in total. And we say iCasino markets, you’re correct. That is — that’s people who are in those markets, they might be playing casino-only, sports-only or both. And then in markets — or in all markets in total, we were up 2% in the quarter. So we had about 132,000 monthly active users in the quarter.

Richard Schwartz: In terms of the opportunity in a market like Pennsylvania, to grow our users, we certainly think there’s an opportunity as we continue to work closely with a land-based partner there. We’re continuing to find ways to collaborate, cross-sell. We’ve integrated the platform systems together in a way that allows us to award loyalty points whether it play goes from land-based to online or the playing online going back to land-based in a way that we think is going to start to contribute to opportunities to convert some more players from land-based to playing both online land-based, knowing that if you do that, you achieve a greater loyalty loop among those players. So there’s certainly things that we’re working on. I don’t think we’ve ever worked as well and close as we are these days with land-based property, and so we’re continuing to have a lot of opportunity to show some results from that collaboration.

Joe Stauff: And just to clarify, again, in that 4%. Is there any way you can give us a look. You don’t have to give us the exact number, but if I were to include sports based customers. Just curious, again, if iCasino users had grown year-over-year in third quarter.

Kyle Sauers: Yes. I think breaking it down that far is further than we expect to do on a call like this, but up 4% in those markets, I think we’re having great success in iCasino. Richard talked about market share in those markets. We’re growing in those markets. So I think we’re real pleased with the way the user count has been trending there.

Joe Stauff: Okay. And then if I could, just 2 follow-up, real quick ones. What is the timing on Connecticut exit? And are you interested in possibly I don’t know, selling subleasing, whatever the right terminology is on your New York market actives.

Richard Schwartz: On the Connecticut announcement, there’s been no public announcement at this time. There’s nothing further. We’re able to comment on beyond what we talked about previously, where we thought by the end of this year would be the time line that we’re operating with it. In terms of New York, there’s not a — right now to consider selling that asset, certainly something that’s limited. is the largest online sports city market in the country. And we are obviously excited about the opportunity to potentially leverage that license framework to help secure gaming potentially. So for us, it’s very strategic to be bold to have that asset.

Operator: Our next question comes from Ryan Sigdahl from Craig-Hallum.

Unidentified Analyst: This is Will on for Ryan. Maybe just a few quick ones for me. First one I wanted to talk about was you did a partnership with Genius Sports for Bet Vision, there’s sort of watch and bet service. I think your peers are currently running it. I was curious maybe a time line for when you guys might plan to deploy that? And just any comments you might have on testing your experience with it.

Richard Schwartz: Sure. Will, it’s Richard. We’ve — it’s only had — so there’s only 3 or so other operators and us that are using it. We actually have already deployed it and so we’re not really speaking about any data results from this at this point. So very early times and very early days on it. But certainly, we think the ability to offer streaming of is helpful, especially if you can offer some bets alongside that experience. So we’re testing it all seeing how well it works. And if we can get some increased lumens on having something that’s relatively unique in the space.

Unidentified Analyst: Great. And then maybe as a follow-up to that, I wanted to hop to Ontario. Last call, I think you guys said your ARPMAU compared to competitors was double that. Just curious maybe how has that changed during the quarter? And any other comments on the Ontario market?

Kyle Sauers: Yes. Our ARPMAU continues to be really strong there. I actually don’t know off hand if it’s exactly still double or more than double. But it stayed very strong. So I presume others have looked similar. So I don’t think there’s any change there.

Richard Schwartz: I think it’s been consistent in terms of high performance and getting a higher share of wallet, which is ultimately what matters most in those markets is players are going to play multiple sites, but how much of the budget are they going to allocate towards better experiences and site to prefer. And we think the reflection of the high , ARPMAU is an indication that really prefer many, many cases to play with us. In terms of the market itself, it’s a good maturity in terms of the conversion from black market or gray market to white market very fast. But it’s at the point now we’re all the existing prior operators if you are to player bases. So you’re at the point now where you’re going to start to see over time, I think the quality operators will start to stand out more from the pack, right?

Because now you have a situation where everyone is converting, everyone is now on an equal playing field. And ultimately, we’re excited by that market opportunity because we do think the experience we offer is unique and differentiated and when players try as they stay with us. And so our goal is to get a larger number of players not previously familiar with our brand to give us a try with the recognition that when they do, we have a pretty good shot at keeping them.

Kyle Sauers: Yes. Well, I just took a peak. And without giving you exact number, ARPMAU has grown sequentially in Ontario every quarter since launch. So still very strong there.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, we currently have no further questions. So I’ll hand back to Richard Schwartz for any further remarks.

Richard Schwartz: Thank you again for joining us today. We expect the better part of 11 years, getting to the point where we are today. We have a leading technology platform in the industry and one we are demonstrating that customers love. We have multiple opportunities to grow our business, and we’re disciplined in how we execute our growth. We are well capitalized. Altogether, we are where we want to be. well positioned for future revenue and profitability growth in the future. We look forward to updating you on our progress when we share our fourth quarter and full results early next year. Thanks.

Operator: Thank you for joining today’s call. You may now disconnect your line.

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