For a very long time now, people have believed there is something more out there and that we’re quite often visited by aliens, so we’re going to take a look at the Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories.
While the idea that there is intelligent life beyond Earth is absolutely valid considering the size of the Universe and the incredible number of planets that can hold life as we know it, the idea that we might be getting visits from extraterrestrial beings often is somewhat less believable. There are countless explanations for why this might not be possible at all, including the incredible distance between planets and the time it would take to travel these distances.

Leszek Bogdewicz/
Either way, it does not mean it is completely impossible, it’s just that if these extraterrestrial beings did possess the intelligence and technology to travel this far, it’s quite unlikely that they would end up being detected or taken down by humans.
Then again, we’re talking about conspiracy theories here and they’re obviously not meant to necessarily be true, even if some people believe in them. For instance, you can read up on 6 conspiracy theories about JFK’s assassination and see whether any of them ring any truth to you.
There are plenty of theories about close encounters of the third kind with aliens, but some are more popular than others. Let’s take a look at the Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories.
6. Area 51
Movies have been done on this topic, books have been written, and TV shows have been shot in Hollywood and beyond – Area 51, the secretive military base out in the Nevada desert.
When it comes to this particular location, there’s no secret about its existence. It’s there, it can be seen, we know about it. What happens inside of it, however, is the big unknown. The US government’s tight-lipped attitude regarding the purpose of Area 51 is what gets people talking and what has given birth to so many theories about what is going on in there. That, plus the fact that there are a lot of “trespassers will be shot” signs and the no-fly zone around the military base.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the entire area is the base for various experiments taking place underground, in a complex tunnel maze. What’s more, it’s probably full of aliens in there, or, more specifically their bodies, which are being dissected and experimented on. Some even believe there are UFOs stashed in there somewhere, with scientists working to reverse engineer the technologies.
5. Reptilians
It’s not just that aliens are visiting our planet and making us all watch the sky for weird moving lights, but they’re also among us. Yeah, no kidding! Meet the reptilians.
There’s a conspiracy theory out there saying that the reptilians are shape-shifting aliens that are actually in control of everything on Earth. They appear to be regular humans, but on the inside, they’re these weird-looking aliens. I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be a metaphor for something when they first came up with the idea, but someone couldn’t take a joke.
Either way, conspiracy theory fans believe that most of the world’s leaders are, in fact, reptilians, or better yet, they’re being possessed by reptilians. The world’s literature is full of references to “serpent men” and so on, but we’re talking about fantasy books.
There’s one conspiracy theorist in the UK, called David Icke that has taken things to the next step, coming up with a story saying that these reptilian humanoids are between 5 and 12 feet tall, drink blood, shift their shape and come from the Alpha Draconis star system. They apparently live in underground bases and they’re behind a conspiracy against humanity. This sounds like the story line for a really weird book.
4. Ancient astronauts
The theory of the ancient astronauts goes a long way back. People have believed in these creatures for a very long time, and it’s usually when we’re talking about extraterrestrial beings influencing history that we’re referring to these ancient astronauts.
It is believed that these aliens brought their technologies and helped humans with various issues. For instance, since no one can truly explain how the pyramids were built all those millennia ago, the Egyptian must have had help from aliens, right? The same can be said about Stonehenge, the statues on the Easter Island and so on. Basically, anything in the old world that cannot be explained because we cannot comprehend the technologies at use back then must have been the result of alien interference.
There are people who believe that these ancient astronauts are also the ones who have inspired the world’s religions. Basically, they flew down to Earth, and the humans of the time were so in awe of what they could do that they believed them to be Gods. Even Jesus is being considered an alien by some, so there’s that.
3. Nazi UFOs
Because the atrocities of the Nazi weren’t bad enough, people had to go and make up conspiracy theories to make this group of people even worse. According to some stories, UFOs are linked to Nazi Germany. No, we’re not joking; there are people who believe that Germany was able to build UFOs in secret underground bases over in Antarctica, South America, and even the United States.
Furthermore, they’re still stashed in those secret bases somewhere, probably until Germany needs them again or someone develops some common sense and stops believing in such nonsense.
Somewhere between conspiracy theory and full out fiction, someone decided that the Nazis managed to build a series of machines, giving them names that are unpronounceable, which were often believed to be alien in nature. It is a crazy enough story that it has made its way on our list including the Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories.

2. Esoteric Nazism
Since we’re on the topic of Nazis, we might as well go full crazy on this one. So, you know how Nazis believed the Aryan race to be the “master race”? Well, this conspiracy theory takes things one step further towards the loony bin, saying that the Aryan race is descended from an alien species, which obviously gives it more power.
Esoteric Nazism, also known as Esoteric Hitlerism, believes it has proof for this in the Bible of all places. The believers are looking at the Nephilim, which they take as being ancient aliens coming to Earth to bring enlightenment. In a way, this theory descends from the ancient astronauts theory, but it brings so much to the table that it has to be treated separately.
There are many writers who have taken on to writing on this topic, but Miguel Serrano takes the cake with several of his book. His beliefs are something work reading, if only for amusement. Basically, he claims these alien gods, along with Hitler, are hiding in an underground bunker somewhere. They’re going to come out of there at the perfect time, onboard those UFOs they were building back in the day, and they’ll kick start the Fourth Reich. Well, maybe not Hitler per se, since even if he didn’t die in that bunker he’d now be 126, so unless he was given eternal life on Earth by those alien gods he’s living with, he’s dust in the wind for a long time now.
1. The Roswell Incident
When we’re talking about alien conspiracy theories we cannot leave out the Roswell case. One of the most famous cases out there is the UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico.
The story goes as follows: In 1947, a press release was published saying the local Air Force found a mysterious disc that seemed to be metallic. Before things could get interesting, the press release was altered, saying that it wasn’t a metallic disc they found, but rather what looked like a weather balloon.
This stutter is the one that triggered the entire madness that continues on to this day. The changes weren’t quick enough and the original news ended up being printed in several newspapers at the time, proving that it was all real; or, at least, the documents were.
Of course, it wasn’t long before stories that the mysterious disc was, in fact, an alien spaceship appeared. Over the years, the fire was kept alight by confessions from former employees at the military base indicating that there were, multiple crash sites across the town and that there was a massive cover-up operation at play in this case. There was even talk about an alien autopsy, an idea that has been picked up by Hollywood like it was the hottest trend out there.
To take things one step further, the bodies of those aliens that somehow managed to travel across the Universe only to foolishly crash on Earth where they weren’t even supposed to be detected, were taken to … you guessed it! Area 51. It comes full circle, you see?
Either way, the Roswell UFO Conspiracy is perhaps one of the best known out there, right next to the Area 51 case. These are clearly situations where the lack of official information or the holes in the stories told by the authorities have sparked the curiosity of the people and, along with it, their imagination. We hope you enjoyed the details of the Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories.