Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories

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1. The Roswell Incident

When we’re talking about alien conspiracy theories we cannot leave out the Roswell case. One of the most famous cases out there is the UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico.

The story goes as follows: In 1947, a press release was published saying the local Air Force found a mysterious disc that seemed to be metallic. Before things could get interesting, the press release was altered, saying that it wasn’t a metallic disc they found, but rather what looked like a weather balloon.

This stutter is the one that triggered the entire madness that continues on to this day. The changes weren’t quick enough and the original news ended up being printed in several newspapers at the time, proving that it was all real; or, at least, the documents were.

Of course, it wasn’t long before stories that the mysterious disc was, in fact, an alien spaceship appeared. Over the years, the fire was kept alight by confessions from former employees at the military base indicating that there were, multiple crash sites across the town and that there was a massive cover-up operation at play in this case. There was even talk about an alien autopsy, an idea that has been picked up by Hollywood like it was the hottest trend out there.

To take things one step further, the bodies of those aliens that somehow managed to travel across the Universe only to foolishly crash on Earth where they weren’t even supposed to be detected, were taken to … you guessed it! Area 51. It comes full circle, you see?

Either way, the Roswell UFO Conspiracy is perhaps one of the best known out there, right next to the Area 51 case. These are clearly situations where the lack of official information or the holes in the stories told by the authorities have sparked the curiosity of the people and, along with it, their imagination. We hope you enjoyed the details of the Roswell UFO conspiracy and 5 other alien conspiracy theories.

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