Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories

2. Esoteric Nazism

Since we’re on the topic of Nazis, we might as well go full crazy on this one. So, you know how Nazis believed the Aryan race to be the “master race”? Well, this conspiracy theory takes things one step further towards the loony bin, saying that the Aryan race is descended from an alien species, which obviously gives it more power.

Esoteric Nazism, also known as Esoteric Hitlerism, believes it has proof for this in the Bible of all places. The believers are looking at the Nephilim, which they take as being ancient aliens coming to Earth to bring enlightenment. In a way, this theory descends from the ancient astronauts theory, but it brings so much to the table that it has to be treated separately.

There are many writers who have taken on to writing on this topic, but Miguel Serrano takes the cake with several of his book. His beliefs are something work reading, if only for amusement. Basically, he claims these alien gods, along with Hitler, are hiding in an underground bunker somewhere. They’re going to come out of there at the perfect time, onboard those UFOs they were building back in the day, and they’ll kick start the Fourth Reich. Well, maybe not Hitler per se, since even if he didn’t die in that bunker he’d now be 126, so unless he was given eternal life on Earth by those alien gods he’s living with, he’s dust in the wind for a long time now.

alien-609607_1280 Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories