Rosetta Genomics Ltd. (ROSG)’s LD MICRO “Main Event” Micro-Cap Growth Conference Transcript

Critically as it continue to ramp up our revenues and we are on that path and we are looking forward to sharing with the street our latest results continue to progress our pipeline and our current collaborations because now it’s important to get the collaborations in place you’ve got to execute on them and that’s critical and we are looking to execute additional deals with pharma and biotech companies. So in short we like the space we are in, we’ve got a leading platform in this space, we have four sources of revenue growth today from our current products, new products, products from third party collaborations and these additional revenues from currently pharma and biotech collaborations. We’ve got a management team that’s executing in this space before. Thank You.

Question. (inaudible)
Answer: Am I so different because we have these five things we have platforms we have products its only unique part of point two in exact comparison so you can say you can look at the cancer genetics they don’t have the platform although are in the same sort of revenue space you’ve got response genetics from here who are a bit different but similar in some respects there is not a great compare because we’ve got products but also a platform that will continue to deliver new products so we are kind of unique in that regard.

Question: (inaudible)
Answer: Well capack isn’t a big deal for us its more about the obex so we’ve got R&D spent that we are growing which is important because we have this great platform who will continue to grow so we will see R&D grow a little bit as we finish up the Thyroid project and begin the Bladder Cancer projects and some other projects on the commercial side it is relatively stable we have the team we want in place we hired a new commercial lead but I think that is going to be pretty stable it is not going to grow that much the burn rate is going to be fairly stable and hopefully climbing as we start bringing in more cash on our commercial efforts.

Question: (inaudible)
Answer:That could happen we’ve had medicare coverage for two years and we have had no issues so our competitors are getting 3100 maybe 3300 because we do a better job of describing the value of the test.