Research in Motion Ltd. (NASDAQ:BBRY) – a k a BlackBerry – got some very favorable reviews from its most recent quarterly earnings report this week (a 29-cent EPS gain compared to an estimated 22-cent EPS loss), and has been getting critical acclaim for its BlackBerry 10 operating system and the flagship Z10 handset. But in the six weeks or so that the Z10 has been on store shelves, reports have been that sales have been modest and not impressive, though the company reported 1 million unit sales in its earnings report with the phone only available for about three weeks of the 13-week quarter.
At least, one could surmise this from recent postings on a BlackBerry Reddit page. One particular thread is titled “They’re going to be shocked.” We can only surmise this means the media and analysts who have poo-poohed the recent sales numbers. One comment on this thread read, “Professionals don’t have time to stand in line for a new device like a bunch of overzealous college kids. They have the money and wherewhithal [sic] to wait to read reviews and test new devices to get what they truly want.” The Reddit fan, named “bambamtx” went on to write, “I think people will be shocked at the sales numbers in the next few quarters after the q10 is released and more options are available on the market.”
Another Reddit user, “anthonytaurus,” wrote on the Research in Motion Ltd. (NASDAQ:BBRY) Reddit page, “The Z10 is for the iPhone crowd. Those are the folks that want to fondle their phone. I think real BB loyalists want their keyboards!! Leave the phone fondling to the iBerry crowd. I’m waiting for the Q10 as well. I have things to do.”
DISCLOSURE: I own no positions in any stock mentioned.
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